Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

Maya, Raj, Samantha, Henri, and Jack had already retreated into the basement, so I figured that I should follow them. Once I got down there, Jack took the remote and turned on Doctor Who. "Is this the show with the flying police box?" Maya asked.

"Yes," Jack said. "I thought you knew this."

"I can't keep track of all of your TV shows!" Maya exclaimed.

"I only watch Doctor Who," Jack said. "It's not that hard to keep track of."

"It kind of is," Maya said. "I don't even watch TV. It's much easier that way."

"I have to keep track of all of your bands though," Jack said.

"Do we have to watch Doctor Who?" I asked.

"Unless you have any better ideas," Jack said.

I gave him a few suggestions, but they were all shot down pretty quickly. I'm not sure why. They all seemed like good ideas to me. "You have awful taste in TV," Maya told me.

"Says the girl who doesn't watch TV," Raj said. "Are you sure we can't just watch the hockey game?"

"No, we are not going to watch hockey," Henri said. "I think Doctor Who would be excellent."

"I'm okay with Doctor Who," Maya said. "Samantha, how about you? What do you usually watch?"

"Back on Earth, I would usually watch political debates to make fun of how stupid the Republicans are and then blog about it, but I doubt that would work here," Samantha said.

"Yeah, that would just make us argue with each other again," Raj said.

"I don't know," Henri said. "This could be fun."

"I never thought of you as being interested in politics, Henri," I said.

"I was only a little interested until I moved to America," Henri said. "American politics are hilarious. Crazy, but still hilarious."

"I agree," Samantha said. "Why are Canadians so much saner than us?"

"We just are," Henri said.

"You know, I should have just moved to Canada," Samantha said. "Maybe that would have solved my problems."

"Canada is nice, but I like America too," Henri said. "There are lots of opportunities to practice my English."

"You know, your English is surprisingly good," Samantha said. "You're better than some native speakers I know."

"Like Ivy," Maya said.

"Hey, that was unnecessary!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry Ivy, but it's true," Maya said.

"Samantha's right," Jack said. "Your English is very good. My French, on the other hand, needs some work."

"You can always practice with me," Henri said.

"I should do that," Jack said.

"That doesn't solve the problem," I said. "What are we going to watch?"

"Doctor Who," Jack said.

"But I liked the idea that Samantha had," Henri said.

"It wasn't very good," Samantha said. "Not all of you are going to find watching the Council members argue interesting, although it could be a nice way to get a debate going."

"Debate is a nice way of saying argument," Raj said. "Can't we just watch hockey? Hockey doesn't start arguments."

"Hockey is a silly sport," Henri said.

"Never mind," Raj said. "Apparently it does start arguments. Honestly, I'm okay with anything."

"Even Ivy's suggestions?" Maya said. When Raj hesitated, she added, "Come on, Raj. Even you have to admit that The Fabulous Ice Sculptors of Florida Sector sounded dumb."

"Maybe a little," Raj said. "I mean, seriously? How does that even work? Ice sculptors in Florida?!"

"You'd see if you watched the show," I said.

"It sounds like another fake reality show," Maya said. "I'm sorry, but reality TV shows shouldn't exist in Heaven."

"Some people like them," I said. "Besides, I had other suggestions."

"None of them were good," Maya argued. "Can we please just watch Doctor Who?"

"I like Doctor Who," Henri said. "We just watch a lot of it."

"I'm okay with that too," Samantha said.

I groaned. "Fine," I said. "We can go back to watching Doctor Who."

Jack turned the TV back on, and we all watched Doctor Who. Jack's mom even came downstairs at one point to give us popcorn. Needless to say, it was gone almost instantly.

While I was laying on a couch in Henri and Jack's basement, I had some time to think. For the most part, I was just glad that Jordan was gone, and he was never coming back. I felt safe around my friends, and that was all I needed. I just wanted to feel safe in Heaven. After all, if I wasn't safe in Heaven, then where could I be safe?

I wanted to talk to Adam too. He deserved to know why I was so indecisive when he asked me out. I wasn't quite sure if I was ready to date him yet, but I at least wanted to make sure that he didn't hate me.

Overall, it had been a satisfying day, and I didn't quite want it to end yet. With all of my friends around me, it was almost too perfect. This was exactly what I needed at that moment, and even with all of the bickering, I was glad that I had friends that I could count on. 

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