Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

For the next week or so, everything certainly seemed normal. As more and more time passed after the demon attacks, normalcy finally began to return to the community. We all just went on with our business, and it seemed like nothing crazy like that would ever happen in Cedar Creek again. Of course, we were wrong.

It was a perfectly normal Friday afternoon. I had just gotten home from a long week at work, and I just wanted to relax and watch TV. I was laying on the couch in the living room when I heard Grandma yell, "IVY! MAYA! Come over here! NOW!"

"What is it?" I asked as I ran into the kitchen, where Grandma was making dinner.

"The demons are back," she said. "Go get Maya, and then go into my room. That's the safest place to be in this house."

"Okay," I said as I ran upstairs to find Maya. Her bedroom door was locked. "Maya!" I shouted as I knocked on the door.

"For the love of the Holy Emo Trinity, go away!" Maya shouted from behind the door. "I'm almost done with Forbidden Love!" Maya groaned, and I heard her say, "Really Pandora? Northern Downpour? Are you trying to make me cry?"

"Maya, this is way more important than your stupid fanfiction!" I exclaimed. "Just get out here!"

"I'll be done in fifteen minutes or so," Maya said.


"Fine," Maya grumbled. She opened her door, still carrying her computer, which was playing something about sugarcane. I ran into Grandma's room, and Maya followed me. Grandma came in a few minutes later and locked the door.

"Hopefully the demons won't get to us here," Grandma said.

I opened up the window just a crack, and I saw that there were already several demons roaming around outside. This time, however, I saw far more of the humanoid ones. I even spotted one with the horns just beginning to sprout out of her head. They were still acting like monsters though. One was attempting to break into the house across the street, and another was using a tree branch to smash open a mailbox.

Meanwhile, Maya was still listening to weird music while writing her fanfiction. It was better than silence, but I still didn't want to listen to Maya's stuff. "Could you put on something else?" I asked.

"No!" Maya exclaimed. "I need this for my writing, because I Don't Love You is obviously the best song to listen to while writing the wedding scene."

"There's a wedding scene?" I said.

"Yeah," Maya said. "Frank and Gerard get married at the end. Now leave me alone so I can write it."

"Can't you think of a better ending?" I said.

"NO!" Maya shouted. "Leave me alone!"

"Quiet down, girls," Grandma said. "We'll be in trouble if the demons hear us."

"They haven't even gotten in here," I said. I looked out the window again. Even more demons were here now, and nearly every house on our street had been damaged in some way. I only hoped that nobody had been taken. I looked around, half-hoping to see Jordan again, but I didn't see him.

"They're less likely to do that if we stay quiet," Grandma whispered. "Maya, turn down your music."

Maya groaned and turned down her music slightly as she continued to type. "I'm so close," she mumbled. As she did this, I took out my phone and sent a few texts.

MochaKitty5: Henri, plz tell me that u, Jack, and Jack's mom are all ok.

MochaKitty5: Raj, r u alrite? I saw that 1 of the demons went into ur house and i'm worried.

MochaKitty5: Samantha, r u ok? I know ur mad at me, but I don't want u 2 b taken.

MochaKitty5: Adam, plz txt me if ur ok. I'm worried about u.

I didn't get any responses back from any of them immediately, so I shoved my phone back in my pocket, hoping that all of my friends were safe. All of a sudden, I heard Maya shout, "I'M FINISHED!"

"Quiet down," Grandma whispered. Just as she said this, we heard footsteps from downstairs. Someone had broken into the house.

"Maya!" I said. "You just made the demons come in here."

"Sorry," Maya mumbled. "I was just excited."

"Do you want to be taken?" I asked her. "Because that's what's going to happen if you keep doing that."

Maya ignored me and said, "I think I'm going to write a sequel to Forbidden Love. What should I call it?"

I rolled my eyes. "Please don't write a sequel to that stupid book."

"Sorry, a bunch of readers have already suggested it," Maya said.

"I think that writing a sequel would be a wonderful idea," Grandma said.

"Have you read her book?" I said. "It's so stupid."

"No, I have not, but I'm sure that it's not as bad as you say," Grandma said.

"It is that bad," I said.

"No it's not!" Maya whined.

"Yes it is," I said. "Grandma, please don't read that thing."

"I wasn't planning to," Grandma said.

"I've got it!" Maya exclaimed. "I'm going to call it Forbidden Passion!"

I facepalmed. "That is one of the dumbest titles that I have ever heard," I said. "It might even be worse than Forbidden Love."

"Forbidden Love is a great title, and so is Forbidden Passion," Maya said. "I'm so excited for this book. In fact, I'm going to start right now!"

Weirdly enough, I was glad that Maya was writing, because it meant that she might shut up for a while. My phone buzzed, and I saw that I had gotten a few texts back.

BlackhawksForTheWin: We're okay for now. What about you?

Oboetastic: We are all safe. Thank you for asking!

I hadn't gotten anything back from Samantha or Adam. I was worried about them, but I would wait a little bit longer. I leaned back against the wall, and listened carefully. All I could hear was Maya's music. It seemed that the demons were gone. Just to be sure, I peeked out the window. The streets were completely empty.

"Hey, I think the demons left," I said. "Can I go downstairs to make sure?"

"Sure, go ahead," Grandma said. I opened the door and ran downstairs. As I approached the living room, I saw that Maya's new Patrick Stump poster had been stolen (which wasn't that big of a deal), but everything else appeared to be okay. The kitchen, on the other hand, was a mess. The floor was covered in broken glass, spilled flour, and demon blood, and several of the cabinets had been smashed open. Grandma would be furious when she saw this.

That was when I heard a knock on the door. I walked over to the door and nervously opened it.

Of course, it just had to be Jordan. 

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