Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Christmas, New Year's, Makar Sankranti, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Henri's seventeenth birthday (or it would have been his seventeenth birthday if he wasn't dead), Groundhog's Day, and Heavy Irish Pepper Day all came and went without too much excitement, and by the time all of that was over, all of us were so bored that we were willing to listen to Maya Jackson do a dramatic reading of her stupid fanfiction.

"Which fanfic should I read?" Maya asked as Raj, Henri, Jack, and I sat near her. "I could do Forbidden Love. That's the one I'm writing right now. Do you want to hear the description?"

"Sure," I said. I couldn't believe I was doing this. This was just going to be a complete waste of my time, but I was desperate.

"Frank Iero is sad and depressed," Maya read. "He's abused at home, so he hates himself and wants to die. That is, until he meets a sexy (but not sparkly) vampire named Gerard Way. It's love at first sight until Frank realizes that humans are supposed to hate vampires. What will happen to Frank and Gerard? Find out in Forbidden Love!"

I groaned. "That's stupid," I said.

"And it's really cliché," Raj added.

"What else do you have?" Henri asked.

"You don't want to know," Jack said.

"I could read The Produce Fic," Maya said.

"What's the description?" I asked.

"Frank wants Gerard's man-carrot," Maya stated.

"Please don't read that, Maya," Jack said. "I read one sentence and I was scarred for life."

I sighed. "Fine. You can read Forbidden Love."

"Great!" Maya exclaimed. She opened up the story on her phone and began to read. "Chapter One. Hi, my name is Frank Iero. I have depression and bipolar. One day, I decided to go to Starbucks. I had to sneak out in the middle of the night because I was scared that my dad would come home and beat me. I was lucky to even get to Starbucks. I ordered my drink, but I was so endearingly clumsy that I accidentally spilled it on someone."

"Ugh, this is already dumb," I said.

"It's not as bad as The Produce Fic, but it's still not great," Jack said. "Just keep going."

"Of course, this someone just had to be the hottest guy ever," Maya continued. "He had sexy hazel orbs and jet black hair. 'Hey,' he said sexily, still dripping in hot coffee. 'What's your name?' 'Frank Iero,' I said. 'What's yours?' 'I'm Gerard Way,' he said. He smiled, and as he did so, I saw that he had long fangs. Gerard Way was a vampire! I gasped. 'You're a vampire!' I exclaimed."

"What a twist," Jack said sarcastically.

"Shut up and let me read the story!" Maya exclaimed. "'Yes, but I don't want to drink your blood,' Gerard said. 'I'm not that kind of vampire.' 'I thought that all vampires liked drinking blood,' I said. 'Not me,' Gerard said. 'I'd rather do something else.' That was when he pulled me close and crashed his lips against mine."

"Well, that escalated fast," I said.

"I'm sorry Maya, but nothing ever happens that quickly," Jack said.

"C'est vrai," Henri said.

"Can all of you stop with the commentary?" Maya said. "Just let me read! Where was I? Oh yeah, here we are. We started to make out in the middle of Starbucks. It was really great. Gerard was such a wonderful kisser. He tasted like the caramel macchiato that I spilled on him earlier. I wanted to do more, but that would be weird in a public place. Unfortunately, the sun was about to rise, and Gerard couldn't go outside after the sun was up, since he wasn't from Twilight and didn't sparkle. So Gerard had to leave, but he gave me his number so we could text each other and then meet up again tomorrow night."

Raj sighed. "This story's lame," he said. "I'm going to go play Minecraft on my phone."

"I left, but I couldn't stop thinking about Gerard," Maya continued, completely ignoring Raj. "He was just that hot. When I got home, my dad was there. 'I am drunk and I will beat you,' he drunkenly slurred. Then he punched me in the face. I couldn't get away. He was just too strong. So I collapsed on the floor, wishing that Gerard would come and save me. That's the end of Chapter One! What do you guys think?"

"It's horrendous, but I love it," Henri said. "Continue please."

"Okay," Maya said. "Chapter Two. Gerard's point of view. As I walked back to my mansion, I thought about Frank and how amazing he was. I wanted to spend more time with him, but I had to get home before the sun came up, since I still didn't sparkle."

"This is so dumb," I said. "I mean, you don't have to remind us constantly that this isn't Twilight."

"Shut up Ivy! You try writing a fanfic! It's not easy!" Maya shouted. She sighed and kept reading. "Suddenly, I saw a girl walking by. She had black hair (so she kind of looked like me) and dark brown eyes. She was wearing an MCR T-shirt, black skinny jeans, and black eyeliner. I felt a strange connection with her, and I spontaneously realized that she was my long lost daughter! 'Hello,' I said. 'What's your name?' 'GERARD YOU ARE MY LIFE I LOVE YOU!!!' she screamed. 'Oh, and my name is Maya.'"

I groaned. "Did you seriously put yourself in the story?"

"For the love of the Holy Emo Trinity, shut up and let me read!" Maya said. "'Maya, I am your father,' I said. 'I knew it!' Maya exclaimed. 'I love you so much Dad!' However, my vampire senses sensed something much more important than this random sequence of events that was going on. I sensed that Frank was in danger! So I ran to his house and knocked on the door. Nobody answered, so I jumped through a window. That's when I saw Frank getting beaten up by his dad! So I beat up his dad. 'Oh thank you Gerard for saving me!' Frank exclaimed. He kissed me passionately, but that was just the start of our forbidden love..."

"Hey everyone," Samantha interrupted. "What are you doing?"

"I'm reading Forbidden Love!" Maya exclaimed. "It's a Frerard fanfic!"

"What's Frerard?" Samantha asked.

"It's the pairing of Frank Iero and Gerard Way, obviously!" Maya said.

"What are you doing?" I asked Samantha.

"Oh nothing," Samantha replied. "I'm just trying to determine if I'm Satan or not."

"You're not Satan," I said.

"Yeah, that's Brendon Urie's job!" Maya said.

"Try telling that to the Crazy Religious Lady over there," Samantha said.

"Ooh, I have an idea!" Maya said. "What if I sent the Produce Fic to the Crazy Religious Lady?" Maya promptly showed the Produce Fic to Samantha.

She laughed hysterically and said, "Yes! Send that to her!" Samantha then showed Maya how to open up Angel Wings and send a message to the Crazy Religious Lady.

A few minutes later, the Crazy Religious Lady started screaming. "DEVIL'S WORK!!!" she shouted. "THIS IS DEVIL'S WORK! God, forgive me, for I have unintentionally read this sinful piece of filth."

All of us laughed, and we decided that this was a day well spent. 

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