Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

"I can't believe you didn't just punch him in the face," Maya said to me as we were walking home that evening. I had just finished telling her everything that had happened, and of course, Maya was just telling me how Jordan was creepy and she told me so.

"I didn't know what to do!" I exclaimed. "It all happened so fast."

"I know, I know," Maya said. "That was just really wrong of him. I'm glad he's in Hell."

"I hate to admit this, but I'm kind of scared that he'll come back," I said. "I don't know what I'm going to do if he does."

"As I said, just punch him in the face," Maya said. "Or murder him and scatter his remains around a copy of the Black Parade."

"First of all, that is the most pathetically emo thing I have ever heard," I said. "Second, that's not even possible. Demons can't be murdered."

"Whatever," Maya said. "You get the idea."

"It's not a good idea. By the way, your nails look great," I said in a desperate attempt to change the subject.

"Thanks!" Maya exclaimed. "I love Fall Out Boy so much, but Pete Wentz wearing guyliner again would make them even better. Like, does he not realize how hot he is in guyliner?"

I just let Maya blab on for the rest of the walk home about how makeup is great for a guy or something like that. By this point, I had learned to tune Maya out when she started talking about emo, because it was practically impossible to make her stop. I didn't appreciate Maya's obsession with rock music from ten years ago, but I supposed that putting up with her was better than Jordan. Then again, just about anything seemed better than Jordan at that point.

We finally made it home just after Maya finished her little speech. I was kind of fed up with Maya, so I went up to my room and crashed down onto the bed. I desperately wanted to talk to my friends back on Earth. Chloe would know what to do in this situation, but that life was over. I had so many regrets, but I could never go back and change things. This was what I was stuck with. All I could do was be thankful that I was in Heaven instead of Hell.

I never expected Heaven to be like this. When I first got there, Heaven was too perfect. It felt almost artificial, but I was okay with that because I was safe there. It was far better than Hell, and now that I had been in Hell, I was glad that I was in Heaven. However, after my encounter with Jordan, I realized that even Heaven wasn't completely safe. There were still demons, and it wasn't the animalistic, monstrous demons that were the scariest. It was the ones that looked like us and could walk among us.

If there was one thing that I had learned from Jordan, it was there was no way to tell who was good and who was evil until it was too late.

Then again, I couldn't say that anyone was truly good or truly evil. There were far too many shades of gray in between, and I was definitely one of them. Jordan was far more evil than I thought he was though, and I should have never trusted him at all.

There were so many things that I did wrong. I shouldn't have talked to Jordan. I shouldn't have trusted him when he told me that he was in Hell for jaywalking. After all, I had done far worse things that jaywalking, and I hadn't gone to Hell. I should have listened to Maya when she told me that Jordan seemed creepy, and before that, I should have listened to Samantha. They were both right, and I was wrong.

I had no idea what to do now. I wanted comfort, and anything that would take my mind off of Jordan would do. I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. Jordan had lied to me. He wasn't the charming bad boy that I thought that he was, and that betrayal only hurt me more. That wasn't even considering the kiss. That counted as sexual harassment, right? I hadn't exactly said yes to that.

All I knew was that I never wanted to see Jordan Doe ever again.

There was no way to guarantee that though. If the demons came back, then Jordan would certainly come looking for me. He would want to finish what he started, and I couldn't let that happen. I had to find some way to keep the demons from re-entering Heaven.

There had to be some mechanism that the demons were using to enter Heaven. If there was, then there had to be a way to disable it. Unfortunately, I knew almost nothing about demons or how to keep Jordan and his demon friends out of Heaven, but I did know who to contact.

I took my phone out of my pocket and opened up Angel Wings. I started a group chat with Maya, Jack, Raj, and Henri, in hopes of working this out with their help. I quickly explained what had happened, and then posted one last question.

MochaKitty5: Does any1 want 2 help me get the demons out of heaven? 

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