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The Avengers were hanging out in the tower waiting for Thor. Thor had to tell them all something that was important to him.

There was a knock at the front door, "Jarvis, who is at the door?" Tony asked.

"It is Mr. Odinson" Jarvis was interrupted by Tony, "Alright you can let him."

Jarvis opened the door and allowed Thor to enter.

"Man of Iron I need to speak with you!" Thor yelled.

"What do you need Point Break?" Tony asked.

"I must talk to you some where else." Thor grabbed Tony's arm and dragged him to another room.

"What is it?" Tony asked.

Thor was pacing around the room.

"What did you do Thor?" Tony asked.

"I didn't do anything." Thor replied, "I just need to ask you something very important, but I'm afraid of your answer."

Tony raised his eyebrow looking at Thor, "Ask your question."

"Okay fine. Can my brother please stay here? Please." Thor bagged.

"I have a feeling even if I said no you would keep begging me." Tony said as Thor nodded his head. Tony signed and said, "Fine he an come here." Thor's face lit up, "But on a few conditions."

"What is it?" Thor asked.

"You have to tell the others and convince them not to kill him. You can't have pop tarts for two weeks and he can't hurt, trick, or kill anyone." Tony said.

"No pop tarts for two weeks?" Thor asked pouting.

Tony started laughing and said, "You can have them. I was just messing with you."

"Yes!" Thor boomed, "I am not fond of your trickery Man of Iron."

"Alright now go tell the others." Tony said.

Thor came back about five minutes later and said, "They all agreed!"

"How did you get them all to agree?" Tony asked.

"I told them that Loki was coming." Thor said.

"You threatened them with the hammer didn't you?" Tony asked.

"Yes I did." Thor said proudly, "I'm going to get Loki now." He raced out of the room.

Tony peacefully walked out of the room and saw the rest of the team on the couches.

"Who agreed with Point Break?" Tony asked.

"We all did because that hammer really does hurt." Steve said.

"I'm in the lab most of the time anyways so I won't see him." Bruce said.

Loki's returnWhere stories live. Discover now