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The whole table was silent. Steve looked nervous and Tony looked like he was not feeling that well.

"Is anyone going to say anything?" Loki asked.

Natasha shook her head a little and then said, "Yeah we will. We are just shocked."

"I was just quiet because everyone else was." Thor said, "By the way. Congratulations Man of Iron and Steven!" He boomed.

"Thanks point break." Tony said.

"Congrats." Natasha said, "And you better take care of yourself or else I will come after you." She threatened Tony.

"I will. Steve will make sure of it. Won't you Steve." Tony said.

"Yes I will. This also means no more liquor until the kid is born." Steve said.

"I know that." Tony said.

"Congrats and no long hours in the lab either for you." Clint said.

Everyone was quiet. "Aren't you guys going to say anything." Nat asked Bruce and Loki.

"We already knew." Bruce said.

"Oh aright. I guess we should do something now." Natasha said.

"We all could go watch a movie." Loki suggested.

"I will go put the twins to bed then." Bruce said.

"We can do it. We are holding them anyways." Steve said.

"You guys can try. If you can't get them to fall asleep have JARVIS get one of us." Bruce said.

"Alright." Steve said as he got up. Tony followed him. When they got into. The nursery Steve started gently rocking Theodora and Tony copied him. After about five minutes of doing that both of them were asleep. Tony looked down at Killian and saw his little hand was gripping a handful of his shirt. Killian also had his other hand in his mouth.

"Steve help me please." Tony whispered.

"Let me set Theodora down." Steve whispered back. He set her down and saw Killian holding Tony's shirt. "That is to cute to disturb but I guess I will help you." Steve helped Tony and put Killian to bed.

"I guess we should go watch the movie with the others now." Tony whispered.

"Sure." Steve whispered back.

They walked to the theater room, "What movie did you guys choose?" Tony asked.

"We chose Big Hero 6!" Sleipnir said jumping in front of them.

"Good choice." Tony said. Steve and Tony sat down next to each other.

~~Time Skip After Movie~~

Everyone fell asleep except Bruce and Steve.

"So have you two thought of anything for the kid yet?" Bruce asked softly.

"Not yet. I mean we just found out. I think Tony already has a room picked out." Steve said brushing his fingers through Tony's hair. Tony's head was on Steve's lap.

"It's never to early to start getting ready. You are going to have to get a lot of baby things." Bruce said he saw that Steve was starting to get nervous then he continued, "But it is all worth it in the end."

"Even with all of the threats?" Steve asked with a little smile on his face.

"Yes even with all of those. We should get these people into bed." Bruce said.

"We should. You get Loki, the boys, and Clint to wake up. Then have Clint wake up Nat-"

"I am not sleeping." Natasha said from her spot.

Bruce and Steve jumped, "Then you get to wake up Clint." Bruce said.

"Sure. That means Steve get Thor and Tony. Good luck Steve." Natasha said.

About ten minutes later everyone was awake except Thor. They agreed to just leave him there until morning.


Very short chapter. I want to have the next chapter to be a holiday but I don't want to use Easter. Please vote between Halloween or Christmas. I will start the next chapter in two days or when I get enough votes. Please vote!


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