Odin's Return

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Steve woke up first the next morning. After his morning run he made waffles for everyone.

"Hi Steve." He heard a little voice say.

He looked and saw Sleipnir standing there, "Good morning Sleipnir. How come you are up so early?"

"I am usually up this early." Sleipnir said.

"Oh alright. I made waffles for breakfast. We just have to wait for everybody else to wake up." Steve said.

"Okay." Sleipnir said getting up on the chair.

"JARVIS, please bring us another chair." Steve said.

"Yes Mr. Rogers." JARVIS said. A chair came form the floor.

Sleipnir scooted down a couple chairs away from the new one.

Steve chuckled and Bruce and Loki walked into the room sitting down next to each other, "Good morning." Steve said.

"Good morning." They both said.

"I'm making waffles for everyone, how many do you guys want?" Steve asked.

"I'll have one." Bruce said.

"I'll have one too. Sleipnir can have one also." Loki said.

"Alright. That means I need to make ten of them." Steve said.

"Why ten? There is only eight of us here." Sleipnir said.

"Good job figuring that out. I making ten because your uncle Thor eats a lot." Steve said, "No one better start a food fight this time or else who ever started it will be cleaning up the mess." He glanced over at Bruce and Loki.

"That sounds fun." Sleipnir said.

"It is fun but cleaning up after is not." Loki said.

"Good morning." Natasha said walking into the room.

"Good morning." Everyone said in reply but Sleipnir added Nat at the end.

"Do you want to get the others up?" Steve asked Natasha.

"I want to do it!" Sleipnir said.

"You can if I go with you." Loki said, "If that is fine with you Steve."

"Yes it is." Steve said.

"I'm going with you too." Bruce said getting up.

They walked out of the room to Clint's room first. Bruce knocked on the door and said, "Wake up Clint."

"No. Go away." Clint said.

"I guess it's your turn Loki." Bruce said.

Loki got an evil smirk on his face. He opened the door and saw Clint in bed. Sleipnir stood next to Loki and watched him. Loki used his magic to remove the blanket off of Clint.

"You used to do that to Fenrir when he would not wake up. It was funny until he tackled you. That was funny too." Sleipnir said.

"Fenrir tackled you?" Bruce asked.

"Yes he did." Loki said.

"So like this?" Clint asked tackling Loki to the ground, "Do not wake me up like that again."

Bruce grabbed Clint by the back of the neck and said, "You can not tackle Loki. Next time you do the 'other guy' will send you flying."

"Oh yeah Loki's pregnant. Sorry Loki." Clint said.

"It's fine. Bruce please put him down gently." Loki said. Bruce set him down and walked to the lab to find Tony.

"Hey Tony wake up or I'll push you off the table." Bruce said softly. Loki and Sleipnir were watching him.

Loki's returnWhere stories live. Discover now