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"Heimdall open the Bifröst. I wish to return home." Thor said standing outside. A beam of rainbow light surrounded him. A second later Thor was in the Bifröst.

"Hello Prince Thor." Heimdall said.

"I trust you know why I am here." Thor said.

"Yes I know. You are going to need the Mjölnir for your task." Heimdall said.

"Thank you for your advice." Thor said. He walked out on to the rainbow bridge going straight to the throne room. There were two guards that stood in his way.

"Please move. I must speak with my father." Thor said.

"The Allfather said that no one could enter the throne room because he is speaking to someone." The first guard said.

"I am going in." Thor said pushing the guards out of the way. He walked through the doors and saw his father talking to no one.

"Father, I must speak to you." Thor said.

"What is it about Thor?" Odin asked.

"It is about Loki's children. I know that they weren't killed. What truly happened to them?" Thor asked.

"It was as Loki told everyone." Odin said.

"Why would you do that? They are innocent children! They do not deserve what you have done upon them!" Thor yelled.

"They were the children of a monster. They do not deserve anything!" Odin yelled back.

Thor looked at his father with hate in his eyes and said, "Loki was not the monster here, you are."

He left the throne room and walked straight to the stable. He walked to the stall with Sleipnir in it.

"Hello my young nephew. I have come to take you away from here." Thor said petting Sleipnir's head.

He started to remove the saddle from Sleipnir's back. The last leather strap the went through a metal ring would not come off. "I know where I need to hit. Please don't move."

Thor took out his hammer and hit the metal ring one and it cracked. He hit it again and a bright light shot him across the stable. When he looked where the eight legged horse one stood was now a young boy no older than five laying there. Thor went over and shook Sleipnir and said, "Wake up we are going to see your mother."

"You promise?" Sleipnir asked with out moving.

"Yes but first we are going to get you some clothing." Thor said picking up Sleipnir and bringing him to Loki's room. He knew Loki kept his clothes from when he was younger.

"Why are we in momma's room?" Sleipnir said sitting in Loki's bed.

"Because I am looking for clothes for you." Thor said from inside the closest, "Ha! I found a green shirt and other clothing that you need." He set the clothes on the bed. He got a better look at Sleipnir in the light of the room. He had perfect chocolate brown eyes, short raven hair, and his skin was a little darker than Loki's.

"I'll wear this." Sleipnir said grabbing the clothes and walking into the bathroom. He walked out wearing a green shirt and a pair of dark tan pants.

Thor picked him up and walked to the Bifröst, "Heimdall please open the Bifröst. I wish to go to Midgard."

"Yes Prince." Heimdall said as he sent them both to Earth.

Loki's returnWhere stories live. Discover now