Thor is Back

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"Brother I am back. I have what you wanted." Thor yelled as soon as he entered the tower.

"We are in the kitchen Thor." Loki called back.

Thor walked in and saw a very messy kitchen, "What happened?"

"Another food fight. Tony started it." Steve said cleaning the floor.

"No I didn't." Tony said cleaning off the counters.

"Yes you did." Loki said sitting in a chair with the twins.

Tony rolled his eyes and Loki said, "Set what I wanted on the table by me."

Thor set it where he wanted it and Bruce asked, "What did you have Thor get?"

"It's called fung. I'll explain more later." Loki said, "Thor please take the twins and please keep them company with Natasha."

"Okay brother." Thor said taking the twins and going to find Natasha.

"Tony and Steve grab a spoon and sit down." Loki ordered.

They did as Loki said to and sat down.

"What's in the container?" Steve asked.

"It's called fung. It is extremely delicious to the eater. It will taste like the best thing you will ever eat." Loki explained opening the container. It looked like red mashed potatoes. "Both of you take a bite." He had a slight smirk.

They both took a bite. Steve had a face of total love for the food. Tony had a face of total disgust.

"That tasted horrible Loki." Tony asked.

"It's really good Tony." Steve said.

"Tony you are with child." Loki said.

"What?!" Steve and Tony yelled at the same time.

"If neither of you were with child you both would have loved it. If both of you were you would have both hated it." Loki said.

"There is going to be a super smart super strong child running around here in like nine months?" Tony asked.

"Not running but yes there will be another young child here." Loki said.

"Why did I love it and he hate it?" Steve asked.

"He did not like it even though he just conceived him and the child has different tastes. Asgardins who think they are having a child eat this to make sure they are." Loki said.

"Cool." Tony said.

"You're not in the clear yet Steve." Loki said, "In a few days eat a bite of this again." He ordered.

"Why?" Steve asked.

"Because I said to. That is why." Loki said.

"Alright." Steve said and Tony walked away.

"Should I follow him?" Steve asked.

"No stay here or we could go watch T.V." Bruce said.

"Alright let's go watch television." Steve said walking out.

-Tony's POV-

I had a smile on my face the whole time walking to my room. I needed to pick out another room on my floor to give to the child.

"JARVIS please have a child's crib delivered here. I want it here with in the hour." I said.

"Yes sir. What style would you like?" He asked.

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