Little Cushes and Big News

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"What are you looking at?" A now six year old Theodora asked.

Killian looked away from Samantha and said, "Nothing."

"Hey guys." Samantha said getting up. She was now five years old.

"Hey Sammy." Theodora said, "Do you want to go to my room and play with me?"

"Sure lets go!" Samantha replied excitedly. They both ran off to Theodora and Killian's room.

"Jarvis, where is Sleipnir?" Killian asked.

"He is in his room Killian. Do you want me to tell him that you are on your up?" Jarvis asked.

"Yes please." Killian said walking to the elevator.

(In Steve and Tony's room)

Steve quickly but quietly got out of his bed not to disturb the sleeping Tony. He went into the bathroom.

Tony reached out for Steve and he was gone, "I wonder where he went." Tony asked himself then he heard puking coming from the bathroom. He got up and walked over to the door and asked, "Steve, are you okay in there?"

"Yes I am fine." Steve said.

"You don't sound fine." Tony checking the doorknob. It was locked, "Steve please open the door."

"Ask Jarvis to open it." Steve said.

"You heard the man Jarv. Open the door." Tony said.

"Yes sir." Jarvis said opening the door letting Tony in the bathroom.

Tony rushed over to Steve who was leaning over the toilet, "Are you alright Stevie?" He asked rubbing Steve's back.

"Yes I am. I just need to talk to Bruce. He said I can go see him at anytime today." Steve said getting up slowly.

"Let's go now then." Tony said.

"I am going to wait until after breakfast. I want waffles." Steve said walking out of the bathroom.

"You just puked your guts out. How are you hungry?" Tony asked.

Steve shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know. Now let's go get some food. I am hungry."

"Alright then. Hey Jarvis could make sure there is waffles at the counter when we get there. That would be really helpful."

"I can do that." Jarvis said.

"Thanks bud I owe you one." Tony said.

"That would be the 53rd one this month and it's only the second week." Jarvis said sounding sassy.

"If I make you a body that you walk around the tower and still control the place will we be even?" Tony asked.

"Yes we would be." Jarvis said sarcastically.

"Oh and Jarvis, quit with the sass and sarcasm." Tony said.

"Yes sir." Jarvis said, "And the waffles are done."

"Thanks bud." Tony said.

"We might want to hurry before Thor or Clint hear that there is waffles in the kitchen." Steve said.

"Okay." Tony said as Steve walked down the hallway making sure he gets to the food before anyone else does.

"Hey wait up." Tony said.

"Nope. You have to keep up." Steve said smiling at Tony.

"But you have long legs. Mine are short." Tony said with a smirk.

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