Collecting the Bet

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Collecting the Bet

~~~Four months later~~~

"It's been four months Steve. When are you going to pay your side of the bet?" Tony said.

Steve was in the kitchen helping Bruce with helping twins while Loki took a needed nap.

"I will when I feel ready." Steve said holding Killian. He gave Killian his bottle before he started crying.

"I am going to put a time limit on it. I will give you until next week." Tony said.

"Usually a man takes the person out before they have that kind of fun." Steve said.

"Okay. We are going out tonight. Be ready by 7." Tony said walking away.

"Did he just ask you out?" Bruce asked feeding Theodora.

"I think so." Steve said gently rocking Killian.

"You are really a natural with kids Steve." Bruce said.

"Thanks." Steve said.

"Do you want any of your own children?" Bruce asked.

"Yes I do." Steve asked.

"Why were you waiting so long to end your bet with Tony? I'm surprised he didn't force you." Bruce said.

"He wouldn't force anyone to do anything with him." Steve said avoiding the first question.

"Why did you wait so long to end your bet with Tony? If it is something personal you don't have to answer." Bruce said.

"You will be the only other person other than Peggy to know this about me. Please don't tell anybody." Steve said.

"I promise I won't tell another living soul." Bruce said.

"Alright. JARVIS you can not ever repeat this conversation unless I say you can. Make sure no one is around to hear us." Steve said.

"Yes Steve." JARVIS said, "You are safe to talk now. No one is around."

"Thank you. Bruce if you ever repeat this to anyone I will never trust you with any thing ever again." Steve said.

"I promise Steve." Bruce said.

"Alright. Only Peggy and I knew about this. After the exams to get into the military I got my letter back. It said that I am one out of like a million men that could bare a child. They kept it a secret for me. I didn't want anyone to know about it. That is the reason I have been avoiding that stupid bet I made." Steve said.

"If it happens that you do have a child with Tony because of tonight I will stay by your side." Bruce said, "I also have one question."

"Sure what is it?" Steve asked.

"What do you think of Tony?" Bruce asked.

"I don't really know. I think he is nice but also he can be hard headed and stubborn." Steve said.

"Could you see yourself in a relationship with him?" Bruce asked.

"I might be able to. He can be really sweet too. His eyes are the perfect brown color too." Steve said.

"Alright lover boy we should put these two down for their nap." Bruce said.

"Okay let's go." Steve said. Bruce lead Steve to the nursery. It was a mint green color with little decorations on the walls. Theodora's crib was a dark brown and Killian's was a tan.

"I really love what you guys did to this room." Steve whispered putting Killian down.

"Thanks. Loki wanted the room to be a darker green but then I got him to settle for this color. At first he hated it." Bruce said putting Theodora down.

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