Not Tony's Normal Day

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It was about three weeks after the twin's birthday and everyone was in the living room just hanging out. The children were with Fury and Coulson for  the day.

"Stevie can you get me something to eat?" Tony asked. Steve and Tony were on the same couch. He was leaning on Steve.

"I could get you something if you weren't leaning on me." Steve said. Tony moved over a little so Steve could get up, "What do you want?"

"I don't know. Maybe something sweet." Tony said. 

"Alright I'll see what I can find." Steve said as he walked out.

"Brother Anthony what are you doing?" Thor asked.

Tony looked up from running his hand over his swelled stomach, "I am just calming this kid. It keeps kicking in the kidney." Tony said.

"I know how that felt." Loki said.

"Don't you know the gender of your kid?" Clint asked.

"No. Steve wants it to be a surprise for me." Tony said.

"Why for you?" Bruce asked.

"He found out the gender to paint the room. He also won't let me in the room to." Tony said with a pout.

"I think he wants it to be a surprise for you. I would be happy if someone did that for me." Loki said side glancing at Bruce.

Bruce put his hands a little, "We both put our own input in their room."

Everyone laughed at what Bruce said as Steve walked in and asked, "What did I miss." He handed Tony a bowl of fruit with sugar on top.

"Thanks babe." Tony said happily eating his sugared fruit.

"Your welcome." Steve said sitting back down next to Tony.

"You didn't miss anything Steve. It was Loki just being Loki." Natasha said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Loki asked with the sassiest voice.

"It means you being yourself." Natasha said, "I'll be right back." She walked out of the room.

"I wonder what she is getting." Tony said.

"Remember what happened last time someone asked that?" Clint asked.

"Yup. I think it was Sam who did and he woke up the next day with a face full of makeup and platinum blonde hair." Bruce said.

"That sounds like something I would do." Loki said.

"It is something you would do brother. You have done it to me when we were children but the hair color was different." Thor said.

"It was fun dear brother and I would gladly do it again if you make me mad." Loki said with a mischievous look.

"No you won't Loki. We don't need a Thor freaking out again about something you did." Bruce said.

"I do not freak out when Loki plays his tri-"

"Yes you do now shut up." Tony said laying down and putting his head on Steve's lap.

Natasha walked in and sat back down in her spot. She took out the nail polish she grabbed and started paint her nails the darkest red color she had.

Bruce interrupted the silence by asking, "Isn't Frigga coming soon?"

"Mother should be here later today or tomorrow." Thor said. As if on cue the Bifröst opened outside.

"Or she could be here now." Tony said.

Everyone walked out to the little yard Tony made sure they had. They saw Frigga standing there with Hel, Jörmungandr, and Odin.

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