Finding Out

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~~~Time Skip 3 months~~~

Loki was not able to keep his shimmer up anymore because it was taking to much energy for him. Bruce was helping him a lot more.

"Are you sure your only have one child?" Steve asked as Loki finally made it into the living room.

"I don't know. I can check on the child with my magic so I don't need the check ups as you say." Loki said.

"You should ask Bruce to do an ultrasound just to check. It could be very helpful." Steve said.

"I will ask him later when I have more energy to get up and walk. By the way have you seen Thor? I haven't seen that oaf at all." Loki said.

"I think he said something about being back tomorrow around ten. He left this morning." Steve said.

"I am going to go see Bruce now." Loki said. He tried to get up but fell back on the chair.

"Do you want help?" Steve asked.

"Yes please." Loki said looking defeated.

Steve got up and helped Loki out of the chair, "Do you want me to come with you down to the lab just in case you need help?"

"Sure." Loki said. They walked to the lab and saw Bruce, Tony, and Sleipnir all working in the lab together.

"What are my two favorite boys and Tony working on today?" Loki asked surprising them.

"Momma!" Sleipnir jumped off his chair and gave Loki a hug around his legs.

"Hello sweetie." Loki said patting Sleipnir's head.

"Hey Loks." Bruce said.

"Hey Bruce could you please do an ultrasound. Steve thinks we might be having twins." Loki said.

"I never said twins. I just asked are you sure you are only having one child." Steve said before walking out.

"Anyways can you please check for me?" Loki asked again.

"Sure. Please go sit in the chair over there. If you need help just say something." Bruce said.

"Okay." Loki said walking over to the chair. It was a little to high for him to get on. He looked around the room and saw a step stool, "Sleipnir, can you please grab that stool for me?" Loki pointed to it.

"Sure." Sleipnir said running over and grabbing it.

"Thank you sweetie. You can set it right here." Loki said pointing where he wanted it.

"Okay." Sleipnir set it where Loki wanted it. Loki got on the chair with no problem. Tony took Sleipnir and left the lab.

"I'm back. Please lay back and lift your shirt." Bruce said. Loki did as he was asked. "I'm going to put this gel on your stomach. It's going to be cold at first." Bruce put the gel on Loki's stomach.

"You said it was supposed to be cold Bruce. It was not cold at all." Loki said.

"Oh yeah I forgot you that you are used to the cold." Bruce said starting up the machine, "I'm

going to use this to see if our child is a boy or a girl and see if Steve is correct."

"I think we should keep the gender a surprise." Loki said.

"I will know the gender when I look. We can have everyone put their guess in a hat or something guessing it." Bruce said while looking at the screen.

"Is there two heads I see in there?" Loki asked.

"Yup Loks. We are having twins." Bruce said smiling.

"That is why I am using a lot more energy. They are using it too." Loki said.

Bruce handed him a towel to clean off the gel, "When do you want to do the hat or what ever thing?" He asked.

"We can do it when my brother returns tomorrow." Loki said.

"Let's go watch T.V." Bruce said helping Loki off the chair and back up the stairs.

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