Return of a Friend

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Two Months Later

"Clint if you break that you will fly!"

"I am not going to break Sammy's toy!"

"Just put it down. She made that herself." Steve said.

"Alright fine. Hey do you know when our new recruit is getting here?" Clint asked.

"You mean Bucky? Because if you do I think Bucky will be here later to- Fuck." Steve said putting his head on the table.

"Language Captain." Natasha said walking into the room. Steve didn't pick up his head but only moved to flick off Natasha.

"Hey Stevie, Bucky will be here in 10 minutes." Tony said from the hallway.

Steve picked his head up from the table with a smile on his face and said, "Thank you for the reminder Tony."

"You're welcome baby." Tony said walking over to Steve and kissing him on the cheek.

"Once Bucky has all of his things put away we are having a meeting correct?" Natasha asked.

"Yes we will be. Just make sure you are on time please." Steve said stressing out the please towards Clint, "I am going to remind Bruce and Loki." Steve got up and walked out and into the hallway.

"Papa!" Sammy said running down the hallway.

"Yes Sammy girl?" Steve asked as he picked her up.

"I can't find the toy I made." Sammy said.

"Your uncle Clint has it." Steve said putting her down knowing that she wants her toy back.

"He's going to break it." Samantha said, "Clint! You are so dead if you break my toy!" She yelled as she ran back down the hallway.

Steve kept walking down the hall as he heard Clint yell ouch and the others laughing.

Steve made it to the shared room of Loki and Bruce and knocked on the door. Loki opened as Lora. "Good morning. Why are you here?" Lora asked.

"To remind you that we have a meeting after Bucky gets here." Steve said.

"Yes, just have Jarvis get us. I am going back to sleep." Lora said as she shut the door.

"I'll be out in a minute." Bruce said before Lora shut the door all the way.

"Mr. Rogers, Mr. Stark would like me to tell you that Mr. Barns is here and is waiting for you in the common room." Jarvis said.

"Thank you Jarvis." Steve said walking to elevator.

When he got to the common floor he saw Tony talking to Bucky. Bucky looked bored out of his mind.

"Hey jerk. Hey Tones." Steve said as he came in the room.

"Finally punk, you left me here with him." Bucky said gesturing towards Tony.

"Hey!" Tony said.

"Tony is not all that bad." Steve said laughing a little.

"Alright. Oh, how much stupid things did you do while I was gone?" Bucky asked.

Suddenly Clint came in from the ducts and handed Bucky a stack of papers. Bucky looked at all of the papers and counted them.

"Clint you are a traitor!" Steve yelled as Clint went back where he came from waving to him with a cheeky smile.

"Steve do you know how many pages this is?" Bucky asked calmly.

"No, but I am guessing about a dozen." Steve said sweating a little bit.

"You are really close. It's 13." Bucky said. He looked at the pages closer, "They are all double sided Steve."

Steve sheepishly grinned at Bucky. Bucky read the a few of the things on the last page, "Wait you have a kid with," Bucky squinted at that paper and continued, "with Anthony Stark. Steve, I knew you were going to get with a Stark, but him really?"

"Hey I am not all bad. Little Samantha is perfect." Tony said.

"Yeah yeah. We're is the little squirt? I would like to meet her. Oh and by the way congrats Steve." Bucky said.

Steve looked at Bucky confused, "What do you mean?"

"You are having another. I can tell. That is why I didn't beat the snot out of you." Bucky said.

"Tony carried Sam. He also said if I ever wanted another he said I would have to carry this one. He was in labor at the time so it was kind of funny." Steve said with a smile on his face with his hands over his stomach.

"Hey Jarvis can you get Sammy for me?" Tony asked.

"Yes sir I can." Jarvis said, "Ms. Samantha will be here in a minute."

"Hey! What did I say about calling me Samantha? Please call me Sam or Sammy." Sam said as she walked in. She saw her dads and Bucky standing there "Who's the dude with the metal arm?" She pointed at Bucky.

"This is your uncle Bucky Sammy. The one I have been telling you about." Steve said.

Sam's eyes went wide and asked "Really?"

"Yes." Steve said. After Steve said that she ran up to Bucky and hugged him around the waist. Bucky didn't know what to do at first but eventually hugged her back.

"Hey Sammy. Your dad and I have something to tell you." Steve said.

"Hopefully its that I get a younger sibling. I have been waiting five years for one." Sam said turning around in Bucky's arms.

"Umm... Yes you are getting a sibling. How did you know?" Tony said.

"I know thing. Come with me Buck. We are going to see the others now." Samantha said pulling Bucky out of the room.

"Don't tell anyone yet Sammy." Steve yelled after them.

"Okay papa." Sammy replied as she walked away.

"What are we going to do with her?" Steve asked.

I'm back!!! Here is another amazing part of my story. Sorry about the wait. Take this 🦄 as an apology. Take the unicorn. I am working on the next chapter. I would also like to shoutout to all the people who spam like. You my friends are awesome. I love all of you and have a beautiful day and life. Live it to the fullest that you can.


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