Chapter 11 (:

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Chapter 11 (:

-Gemma's POV-

The boys, girls and I are now in the boy's house, partying, while my Dad's in his office talking on the phone to someone abroad.

All of us are crazily dancing - or shall I say jumping whilst wildly throwing our arms up in the air - to LMFAO's song "Party Rock Anthem". What are we celebrating? No idea.

When the music ended, we all fell on to the closest couch, breathing heavily.

There was an awkward silence and everyone burst out laughing.

"So, Gemma," Louis spoke up, "How does it feel like to be Simon Cowell's daughter?"

I thought about it for a second. "Well, at first I was shocked as everyone else but since I only found out today well, I don't know. I guess you can say it's really weird since," I paused and leaned in closer to them so they could only hear. They leaned in closer, too, "I hated him in the X-Factor."

Everyone burst out laughing again but suddenly became quiet when someone stood behind me. I turned around to see Sim - Dad standing with a smile on his face.

"Guess what guys and er, girls," Dad said, scratching the back of his neck.

Everyone giggled.

"Well you tell me because I am not guessing," I said and smirked at Keshia. Keshia's facial expression was priceless!

"Hey, that's MY line!" She whined, emphasizing on 'my'.

The boys and my Dad raised their eyebrows, not understanding our conversation.

"Well," Jammee started to explain, "Keshia always says that line when someone asks 'guess what'."

The boys' mouths turned into an 'o' and us girls chuckled.

"So, what's the good news?" Liam asked, changing the subject.

"Guess who's going on tour?" Dad said excitedly.

The boys stood up with shocked expressions. There have been a lot of shocked faces today - a day full a surprises, I guess. I mentally chuckled.

"You are not kidding, right, right, right?" Louis asked and held Mariele's hand. Aww, cute!

"I'm not joking. Your New Zealand trip has been cut short. We're leaving in 2 days time," Dad said.

'We're leaving in 2 days time' kept replaying in my head. My heart fell. I'm going to lose Liam again - and my Dad.

I put on a fake smile, "Oh, that's great news. I'll miss all of you." I felt someone's gaze on me and turned to look at Liam, smiling sadly. "Can I please be excused?" I asked Dad and he nodded.

I went to the bathroom near the kitchen and washed my face. I can't believe I'm losing Liam again. I cannot lose him. It's too much for me. I shouldn't have moved back to New Zealand. If I hadn't, I could still be with Liam.

When I thought I'd calmed down, I walked out of the toilet and went back to the living room. The lights were off and the only source of light was from the television. The movie 'The Hangover Part II' was on. I sat down on the couch next to Liam and rested my head on his chest while he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Maybe we should tell them," I said in a whisper that he would be able to here.

He moved me and now I was looking at him. "Tell them what exactly?" He asked.

"Tell them about us," I said.

"Whatever your decision is remember that I will always be here for you," He said then kissed my forehead.

We went back to our sitting position and watched the rest of the movie. We had our laughs and Louis would make a joke about the movie which made us clutch onto our stomachs.

The movie ended and someone turned the lights back on. I stood up, stretched, and noticed that everyone else did the same.

I eyed Liam and he nodded at me. "Guys, I need to tell you something important," I said and sat down next to Liam. Liam grabbed my hand gently and entwined our fingers.

Mariele gasped, "You aren't pregnant, are you?"

I gave her a 'what on earth are you talking about' look and she blushed. Everyone chuckled and Louis wrapped an arm around her which made her blush even more.

"Please continue saying what you were going to say before Mariele ruined it," Gianella said.

Mariele then stuck her tongue out to Gianella and she did the same.

I rolled my eyes at how childish they were, "Well as I was saying, Liam and I are - "

"Dating?" Mariele exclaimed.

"Dude - dudette, stop interrupting!" Niall exclaimed.

"Sorry," She mumbled.

Everyone once again chuckled.

"ANYWAY, before I left England I already knew Liam," I said.

"You did?" Jammee asked, surprised.

'Today really is full of surprises, huh?' I thought.

I shrugged, "Yeah. But of course I had to leave England when I was little, but I never did forget about Liam."

"So, Gemmabear, how did you two get so close then?" Keshia asked. Keshia was the only one who could call me that.

"Well," I paused, "I've been having a secret visit to England every now and then."

The girls gasped.

"Gemmabear, why didn't you tell me?" Keshia exclaimed.

"Yes, Gemmabear, why didn't you tell me?" Harry mocked Keshia and rolled his eyes.

"Hazza, I'm the only one who can call Gemma that!" Keshia said. If looks could kill, Harry would be dead by now.

"Fine, whatever," Harry grumbled.

Everyone laughed. "Dude, you just lost to a girl!" Zayn boomed.

Harry blushed and Keshia kissed his cheek which made him blush even more.

"Anyway, back to the topic," I said, changing the subject, "I didn't tell you girls because I knew how you would've reacted."

The girls made an 'o' with their mouths.

Niall raised an eyebrow, "What would've their reactions be?"

Jammee then elbowed Niall lightly and I chuckled.

Dad then came into the room and I ran up to him and hugged him. "I'm going to miss you so, so much."

"What are you talking about?" He asked me confused.

I stopped hugging him. "You're leaving me again," I said and a tear escaped my eye.

"Aw, come here," He said and pulled me into another hug. "I have great news though."

I let go and faced him again. "Great news?"

His mouth turned into a huge grin.

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