Chapter 6 (:

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-Gemma's POV-

"You smell nice," I whispered into Liam's t-shirt, smiling.

I felt his lips curl on my hair into a grin, as he replied "You do too."

This satisfied me and I relaxed my head onto his shoulder to focus on the group as Harry entered the room, followed by a smirking Louis. Harry put a finger to his lips quickly before placing his hands over Keshia's eyes.

She jumped a little and we all giggled. Harry released his hands, "Hey Pie," he grinned charmingly.

"Harry!" Keshia turned and Harry opened up his arms to give her a hug, whispering something in her ear, making her blush. Louis sat down next to Mariele and hugged her.

After 'hello's' and chit-chat about New Zealand, the weather, and how good us girls were looking today, Louis turned to Liam. "L&P, Simon and Steve wanna see you next."

I smiled at Liam's nickname, and Louis winked at me, obviously proud of his creativity and knowledge of Kiwi Soft Drinks.

Mariele moved over to make room for Louis. "Steve?"

"Our manager," Louis replied, and the expression on his face was enough to give us the impression he didn't like him very much.

"Why does he want to see you?" I asked Liam as got up. He exchanged a look with the others and shrugged.

"Promotional X-Factor stuff," He said before leaving the room.

"What was that all about?" Jammee asked.

"Stuff." Zayn said before the others could answer.

Harry's mother, Anne, walked into the room. "Boys, I'm just -" she looked around the room and particularly at the way Harry had his arm around Keshia's waist. "Oh, hi, girls. I'm Anne." She smiled and then turned to Harry. "I'll be back in a few hours, okay? Sorry that I have to rush off, but I'll make sure I get to properly meet you all later."

"I...," Niall began loudly, about half an hour later.

Zayn and Gianella, sitting way closer than they were before, turned to face Niall, each of them grinning - especially Zayn, looking fit to burst with happiness. I wondered what they had been talking about. Jammee caught my eye and I gestured with my head to the cuteness happening over on the love seat. She opened her mouth, smiling.

"...Am hungry." Niall finished.

Harry grinned. "You always are." Louis and Zayn nodded in agreement.

"Actually I'm hungry too," Jammee said, standing up to stretch, using Niall's hand for balance.

After much debate about what we should eat and where to go - Niall only wanted Nandos, Zayn wanted Italian, Harry wanted Mexican and Louis, in all seriousness, wanted to try 'escargot'. He was shocked as Mariele had to remind him that he was in New Zealand, not France.

Niall also stood up and went into the massive kitchen, which was kind of open plan with the living room. We could hear him opening and closing drawers, checking the fridge until he returned with a bag of Doritos, already eating them. He offered them round to the group.

"Did you not find anything?" Jammee asked, taking a few out of the bag.

Louis snatched the bag out of Niall's hands and let several chips slide out into his mouth, before passing it onto Mariele and then Zayn. "Nah, the only things we have are things you have to cook." Niall shuddered at the last word.

"Cook?" Gianella asked, "Like..?"

"Baking stuff," Harry said. "Liam and Zayn," he shot a look at Zayn, "Were meant to have gone to get us some proper food."

Zayn opened his mouth to argue, but closed it when Liam and Simon walked into the room.

All the girls eyes widened, especially mine. I was in the same room as Simon Cowell. Simon Cowell. Simon Cowell! And he was looking at me strangely.

"Simon!" The boys all greeted him. It was clear that they all somewhat looked up to him. He was after all, one of people how brought them all together as a band.

"Hello boys," Simon said taking his eyes off me for a second, to smile at everyone else. "Already met some girls, I see."

They all laughed. "This is Gemma," Liam walked over to me.

"Hi," I said, standing up, thinking I should shake his hand or something.

Simon nodded, "Gemma." He then turned to Keshia, totally brushing me off. I looked at Mariele and Jammee, who had also stood up now. They both had a mixture of awe and confusion on their faces. So they had noticed it too.

Keshia introduced herself to Simon and he smiled at her. "It's nice to meet you, Keshia."

The rest of the girls introduced themselves and Simon all acknowledged them individually. I noticed he did look at me at the corner of his eye. Self-consciously I smoothed my hair down and did the same to my t-shirt.

Simon checked his watch. "It's getting late. Have you guys sorted out dinner? I'm going to go back to my hotel."

"Finally!" Niall cheered. "Dinner! I am starving." Ironically, he said that at the same time as he put more chips into his mouth.

"I can see," Simon said. "Well, I've got to dash. Maybe Steve can get you all food or something."

After scrolling through something on his phone he looked up again. "It was nice meeting you girls."

I thought I would try again: "We're all so excited to meet you, Mr. Cowell." But no luck. He gave me a strange look, nodded and left.

When I was sure he was out of the house and I frowned. "Okay, did you guys see that? Simon Cowell already hates me and I don't know what I've done."

"That was really weird," Gianella agreed stepping forward, away from Zayn to see if I was okay.

"It was," Harry said. "But he is Simon Cowell."

Liam nodded. "He doesn't hate you! I don't know why he did that though."

They guys all reassured me that it was just Simon being Simon, but I didn't think so. I could picture myself saying to my parents: 'Guess what?! I just met Simon Cowell and I think he's going to get a restraining order against me.' Trying to brush it off, I took Liam's hand and turned to Niall.

"Wanna go get some food?"

Niall's face brightened up and we all laughed. "Do you even have to ask?"

"Actually," Harry said, "My and my little pie over here," - Keshia blushed at the nickname - "Were thinking that since it's getting late, you could all stay here."

"Think you'll get lucky, curly boy?" Louis said, but he sounded as though he like the idea.

Harry ignored this. "We'll go get your stuff and get food along the way."

"Sounds good," Zayn nodded, gently brushing Gianella's hair off her face.

"Yeah, only thing is - you just got your license," Louis pointed out. "I think One Direction has had enough trouble with overseas police officers."

"Louis, would you like to drive?" Harry asked patiently.

Louis clapped his hands and turned to Mariele. "Keys, babe. We're taking your car."

"So you're all fine with it?" Keshia asked us girls.

We all nodded. "Totally," Jammee said. "We were staying the night at your house anyway, so everything's pretty much arranged."

"Exactly." Gianella and I said at the same time, before sharing an 'eee!' moment.

"Well then, let's go!" Louis said, practically running through the door.

Someone's eager, I thought and told them all to drive safely. Harry and Keish were going to get our stuff and Louis and Mariele were going to get dinner. When they all left, the six of us were left standing there.

"Let's bake cookies!" Gianella suddenly said and her suggestion was met with nods from all of us.

(A/N: Credits to Gemma (: Thanks, Gemmabear! :D)

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