Chapter 12 (:

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Chapter 12 (:

-Gemma's POV-

I looked at my Dad, confused, "Great news?"

"Who wants to know what this 'great news' is?" Dad teased.

There were a lot of 'ooh me's' from everyone, including yours truly, and we all automatically raised our hands up like we were eager to answer a question in class.

"Well, obviously everybody wants to know," I heard Dad say flatly in a teasing way.

I rolled my eyes and Louis saw. He glared at me and I returned his glare. I turned away, not wanting to have a start up a glaring competition at the moment until I found out about the 'great news'.

I turned to look at my Dad who is stood with his back to the television, blocking our view. Most likely on purpose. 

"So, Dad, what's the 'great news'?" I asked him once more.

"Guess," He smirked. What is up with this guy? It's kinda annoying how he's teasing us right now - at an inappropriate time.

"You tell us, I'm not guessing," I heard Keshia mumble.

I ignored her, "Why can't you tell us?" I whined.

"Because it's fun teasing you all," He faked gasped.

I heard someone scoff, "Yeah right, Uncle Simon." That was Louis.

"Like we don't know that already," Mariele, too, scoffed at the same time as Louis.

Everyone looked at Mariele weirdly.

"What?" She asked.

Jammee and Liam raised an eyebrow at her.

"Oh my gelatin did I just say that out loud?" She asked us, panicking.

"Gelatin?" Zayn asked her confused.

"Oh my goodness, I am hungry," Niall whined.

"Dude, you're always hungry," Harry and Liam stated.

Niall shrugged, "True but I'm just saying the truth."

I cleared my throat and everyone turned to look at me. I turned to look back at Dad. "Dad, seriously, what's the 'good news' that you've been teasing us about?" I asked him, returning to the topic.

It took him a few seconds to reply but then he finally sighed, "Fine, I'll tell you all now and ruin the surprise."

"Surprise, huh?" I asked him.

He shrugged then grinned. "Guess who's going to London?" He attempted to squeal like a girl but failed.

I laughed and so did everyone but we stopped abruptly, realizing what he just said. 

"WHAT?" Everyone exclaimed and stood up from their seats.

Dad clutched onto his stomach and laughed hysterically, "The looks on your faces! Priceless!"

"Um, what do you mean 'guess who's going to London'" Gianella asked nervously.

He sighed, clearly not wanting to explain himself. "Well, the five of you girls will be coming with One Direction to London." 

"Really?" The girls and I squealed, "But I - "

"Don't worry ladies, your parents have agreed to let you all go," Dad said.

"Really?" The girls and I asked unsure.

"Yes, really. Now you all will be leaving in 2 days with the boys and we don't know how long you all will be staying but hopefully you all can stay longer than needed," Dad said, "If that's okay."

We all nodded then sat in an awkward silence. Dad came up to me and hugged me. "I will be going back to my hotel room. See you in 2 days. Your mum has got everything that you need, okay?"

"Okay, bye, Dad." I said. He kissed my forehead and left through the door.

I turned around the face everyone with wide smiles on their faces.

"OH MY GOSH WE ARE GOING TO LONDON!" The girls and I squealed and jumped up and down from glee.

I heard chuckles from behind us and I glared at the boys. I especially glared at Liam playfully. Then I went up to him, kissed him on the cheek and wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. He automatically wrapped his arms around my waist. A flash of light made us break away from our position and spot Mariele with a camera in her hands.

"Mariele," I said threateningly. She gulped. "Did you just take a picture of Liam and I," I asked her slowly, "Hugging?"

She quickly shook her head no then ran behind Louis' back for 'protection'.

I chuckled then quickly shook it off, not wanting to chase her around the living room. I went back to Liam and hugged him. He's so cuddly - my human teddybear but better.

-Gianella's POV-

Mariele has been taking so many pictures of everyone, either hugging their 'boyfriend' or random candids. Mariele also put her camera on a flat surface, to take several pictures of everyone in the group.

I have to admit, I am having the best days of my life. Not only do I get to spend my time with my best friends but I also do get to spend in with the hottest band in the world - One Direction.

I also cannot believe that I'm finally going to London. I have always wanted to go to London ever since I was little. I've always had this little fantasy of mine where I sit with the 'love of my life' on the London eye.

Zayn and I are now sitting down on a couch, my head resting on his chest, his head resting on my head while he places a few kisses on my head. Zayn may be vain but he is such a gentleman. He is also sweet, kind, hot, cute, hot, nice - have I said hot?

I felt something on my chin and I looked up to see who it was but never got a chance to as Zayn's lips met mine. I smiled then kissed Zayn back. His kisses keep giving me butterflies in my stomach and his lips are so soft and kissable. I could kiss his lips for eternity.

"Come with me outside, the balcony?" He asked me in a whisper.

I nodded.

When we reached the double doors of the balcony upstairs, I saw how pretty everything was at night.

Zayn opened the doors and we came out of the room and were met by a light summer's breeze. Zayn and I stood next to the rail, holding it with a hand and holding each other's hand with the other.

The stars were glistening up the sky and the moon was full. The sky looked so peaceful.

"It's so beautiful," I mumbled.

"Yeah. I know, but the person standing next to me is more stunning than this," He said. I looked at him and he blushed.

"You're so sweet," I said honestly.

He shrugged, "I'm just telling the truth."

I chuckled softly.

I stared into his dreamy brown eyes, loosing myself in them.

Zayn started to lean in with his eyes closed and I unconsciously, too, leaned in, closing my eyes in the process. Our lips were a few centimeters apart but Zayn closed the gap between us. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist.

The butterflies in my stomach started to appear again and I felt Zayn smile. I couldn't help but do the same.

We pulled away, breathless. "Gianella, please be my girlfriend?" He asked.

I froze - stunned. Did Zayn Malik - THE Zayn Malik - just ask me to be his girlfriend?


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