Chapter One: Our Time

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Hi, my name is Katelyn Oaks. My family is a family of four. It consists of my father, mother, my older brother, and myself. I was born on June 28, 3000. Yes, you read it right 3000. The year 3015 is just around the corner. My family was getting ready for the new year. I'm not looking forward to it at all. The thing is, every midnight of 12/31 every child from the ages 1 to 17 are suppose take some pill. Most of us don't even know what it's for. Our leaders say,"It's to keep us under control." Under control of what? What is that suppose to even mean? It make no sense, not one bit. In our time, our clothes is based on the 1950's. The girls wear the dresses and other clothing. The boys wear the nice leather jackets and other clothing. Our clothes have this self adjusting thing in them. No, not self drying. They just add a personal touch to it. If you were girly girl, it would add something girly. It was like that with every personality. Girly girl was just an example. It's kind of like the 1950's here. Except, we have flying cars, time travel, robots, eternal-living serum, no aging serum, and so much more. I was walking one day to school when I saw Madison. I know she may sound sweet, but she's nowhere near that. I don't know why. We use to be such good friends. In fourth grade, she came from summer vacation and acted very strange. That's when it all happened, she became distant from me and began to hang out with the wrong crowds. I just ran past her. It brought too many memories. Some were good, and some were bad. I run up to my friends: John, Elijah, and Sunny (she's a girl).

"Hey, Sunny. Hey, John. Hey, Elijah."

"Hey, Katelyn," the boys said in unison.

"Hey, Katelyn. What's wrong? Did you see her again?"

"Yes. What did I do wrong, Sunny?"

"Nothing, sweetie. She just went down a different path that's all. It'll be okay."

"I guess." The bell rang which meant for us to go to our classes. "What do you start with today?" I gestured to all of them.

J: Electronics

E: Calculus

S: Business. How about you?

"I have...Art."

"Okay, well, see you at lunch?"

"Most definitely." We gave each other a hug and went to our classes.

"Ah, so glad of you to join us, Ms. Oaks. Alright, if that's the last of us, now for attendance." Mr. Peterson went on and on with the names. I just shut my eyes and began to think. "Ms. Oaks? Ms. Oaks!"

"H-here." He continued saying the names. I just put my head into a book. I was so embarrassed. New Years is two days away. I can't act like this. It will ruin our family's name and reputation. The day went on like every other. My last class before lunch was Electronics. Our teacher was Ms. Crays. She was very sweet, beautiful, and very funny.

"You're homework assignment is to learn how to take a robot apart and put it back together. There will be teams of four. Your names are on this list," she says while pinning a paper to the wall,"alright, class is dismissed." We checked who our partners were and left to eat lunch.


"Well, hello to you too Katelyn," Ms. Bakers said very happily.

"You're very cheery today."

"Yes, yes, I am. What will it be today?"

"I'll take the usual."

"One chicken breast sandwich, a bowl of fruit, and a water coming right up." She goes to get the food. "Here you go," she says whiling handing me a tray," that will be $3.50."

"Here you go," I say while handing her the money.

"Thank you and have a wonderful day, Katelyn."

"You too, Ms. Bakers."

"Thank you, sweetie," she says while waving. "What will it be today?" she says to the person behind me. I look around to find my friends. I spot them way in the back trying to go outside. I ran up to them.


"Oh, hey, Katelyn. We decided to eat outside today. It's just so beautiful outside."

"Okay." We found a bench right in the shade of a tree and sat there. "How were your classes?" I said to all of them.

J: They were just like any other day.

E: eh, I've been betta' (Elijah is from Brooklyn. So...he has the accent. He came to California about 5 years ago.)

S: It was okay for a normal day. How about you?

"It was okay." We finished eating and went back to our classes. After three more classes, school was finally done. I went home and saw my parents worried sick. I know I didn't do anything wrong. So...what's wrong with them? "Mom, Dad, are- are you okay?"

"Not really pumpkin. Sit with us," my dad said.

"What's wrong?"

"Well, Love, New Years is coming," my mom said.

"Yeah, I know."

"Pumpkin, you have your first mission on that day."

"Really, what is it?" I asked concerned.

"We can't tell you, Love, not until that day comes."

"Oh, okay." I went up to my room. I already did my homework at school so I didn't need to worry about it. I sat down on my bed and tried to think what the mission was about. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and hair, and went to bed. I couldn't stop thinking about the mission. What if I fail? It will bring a bad reputation to my family. Stop! You need think positive, Katelyn. What is my mission?


This is just the beginning let me know what you think in the Comments. What will happen next? 🤐 Stay tuned.

~ Sophia 📷

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