Chapter Twenty Two: Strange

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* Autumn's P.O.V.

September and October flew by really fast. November came. I was kind of sad that I couldn't spend Thanksgiving with my family. Chan and his family invited me to their house. Once I arrived, Gina Ann was looking at me strange.

* Gina Ann's P.O.V.

Autumn dressed very strange. She didn't really dress like other girls. She was different in general. I thought there was something strange about her. When she came over for thanksgiving, I felt this reassurance of safety.

* Chandler's P.O.V.

Now that I live with Autumn, I don't worry about paparazzi or fan girls. I don't have to worry about Grayson calling for me to fix his X box. After that once, Autumn hasn't blushed since. Which, I think is strange. I thought once girls blush: they always blush. Or maybe, she didn't even blush, and I was just imagine it. Either way, it still is very strange.

* Grayson's P.O.V.

Autumn has always been strange since the day I met her. I guess, that's why Chan likes her. I really hope she's the one he asks out, not for publicity, but for love. I guess, that's what he looks for in a girl. I wouldn't really know. Ever since my brother became a tv star, I became a little distant. I wasn't really into being famous. I was use to us being a low key family. As long as Chan is happy, I am.

* Will's P.O.V.

My wife was going on about how Autumn was strange and different. I thought, she was okay. She never disrespected us or raised her voice towards Chandler. I told my wife she was being paranoid, and she night be the strange one.

* Autumn's P.O.V.

We began eating dinner. It was silent until Gina broke the silence.

G-A: So...Autumn, where are you from?

A: I'm from Oregon.

G-A: Really? That's cool.

I was starting to get a strange feeling about Gina. She's probably catching up to my secret. I'm going to have to tell them one day. Today just isn't that day. I won't say anything unless one of them bring it up. Once dinner was finished, Chan and I went home.

C: I'm going to take a shower. Okay?

A: Okay.

Once again, he we playing his music, singing, and dancing. I stood in the living room staring at the ceiling when I heard a strange thud coming from the restroom. I ran in there, not even thinking twice if Chan had clothes on or not.

A: Are you okay?

C: Yeah, I just fell.

He tried getting up but couldn't. I helped him up and took him to the bed. Once he lied down, I examined his ankle.

A: You'll be fine. It's just sprained.

I wrapped it, and left to take a shower. Once I got out, I saw a strange person in our room. Chan was knocked out and tied up. Next thing I know, I blacked out.


Stay tuned for more.

~ Sophia

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