Steven Tyler

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Applying eye liner to your face, you styled your hair and posed examining yourself. Not bad.

"Baby! Love! Sweetheart! Ready?" Steven called up to you, chirping as he sang.

"Coming!" You replied and reached the bottom of the stairs to find Steven wearing a blue and black stripped tight jumpsuit. "Well then." You joked.

He smirked rolling his eyes "I know, I know. I'm hot."

"You're something alright.." You smiled and laughed.

Steven had a concert tonight, he had begged you to come.

You gave in, realizing how important this was to him.

Holding hands with your boyfriend, you walked through the crowd of screaming fans- heading backstage.

Joe, Tom, Joey, and Brad were all setting up- getting in an extra five minutes of practice.

"Hey Stevie. Took you long enough." Joe remarked with a laugh as he strummed his guitar.

Steven glanced to Joe and stuck his tongue out playfully "Bite me."

Joe raised a brow and smirked sticking his own tongue out "Make me."

You laughed and shook your head, looking up to Steven you played with his curly hair- brushing it from his eyes. "Don't goof off too much. Last time, you tripped over the stage steps falling through the backstage door." You giggled quietly.

Steven rolled his eyes and held his palms up, imitating a girl. "Well, you win some you loose some." He joked before taking your face in his palms, kissing you lightly- a smile on his face.

You held his wrists as he did so, rubbing the back of his hands with your thumbs- laughing and kissing back softly. "Good luck." You smiled and patted his face.

He gave you a silly smile before winking, returning to Joe, Tom, Joey, and Brad. "Alright boys, we've got a show to put on. Let's keep our clothes on until we get to Sweet Emotion. Right? Good."

He clapped his hands together and let out a famous bird-like caw screech before stalking out onto the stage, playfully.

Watching from backstage, You smiled seeing how playful they were, and how much they all joked.

Steven ran his hands through his hair, holding his belt loops with one hand, tugging on them showing off his V-line.

Rolling your eyes you laughed "Slutt."

You watched as Joe only shook his head and played the guitar wildly- shrugging off his pink vest.

A playfully smile on his lips as he sang, Steven left his hip bones and V-line exposed.

He tugged on his hair messing with his bandana. "You can't catch me because the rabbit done died. Yes it did!"

He danced around as Joe and Joey worked together to pull off a great sounding beat.

Nearing the crowd, Steven fell to his knees playing with his scarves- letting fans grab at him- clawing at his hip bones.

Raising your brow, you laughed and watched "Wish he'd do that to me." You mumbled under your breath jokingly.

By the time the show had ended, The boys came back- sweaty and laughing.

Steven was out of breath, laughing breathlessly "whoooo." He raised a fist into the air "Good job team."

The boys laughed as you joined in. "There's no I in team, Steven." You joked.

"But, there is an I- in I am Steven Tyler. Lead singer of Aerosmith." He chirped.

You shook your head and grabbed a towel, wiping the sweat from his forehead- chest, hips and just the skin below his waist.

He purred jokingly, giving another one of his soft bird-like caws. "Well thank you, [Y/N]." He teased and smirked.

You rolled your eyes and stuffed the towel in his mouth "Just take me home BirdBoy." You whispered, kissing his temple.

He glanced to the boys and gave a thumbs up before laughing, spitting the towel out. Draping his arm around your shoulders, he led you out of the concert hall.

Whispering sweet little things to you as he thanked you for all your support.

"You're the best women a man could ever hope to have in his life." He smiled resting his temple against yours.

"I know...I know." You smiled and put a hand on his back as you both left.

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