David Bowie~2

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Suggested by: radiomeddows

Thank you for your suggestion :3


"Hello, Gorgeous." A familiar voice called out to you.

Meeting David's gaze through the bathroom mirror, you smiled softly "Hello, David."

Gently rubbing your arm lovingly, he smiled his stunning smile that you could die for.

You had been eyeing yourself in the mirror carefully, braiding your hair thoughtfully.

"It's a beautiful day out.." David trailed off, glancing to the side.

You nodded slowly, tilting your head- turning to face him you edged him on "Yeah?"

"Perhaps we should go out- venture around." He brought is gaze to yours once more.

Considering, well- you didn't even have to consider. Smiling widely you clasped your hands together "Yes!"

Being a bit startled, David blinked and laughed lightly "Splendid- shall we ready to leave then?" He cocked his head to the side and smiled cutely.

Planting a small kiss on his nose, you laughed softly "I'm ready when you are."

Laughing lightly, David took your hand and led you out of the house.


Walking side by side, you had your hands in the pockets of your coat- staring at the ground intently as you focused on David's words.

"I suppose it was merely a mistake, but then again- I'm unsure. How is it possible for one to include lyrics related to my own- and get a record deal? It's technically stealing if you ask me...but, I don't want to cause any trouble..." He mumbled softly and rubbed the back of his neck.

You nodded in agreement "I see. Well, perhaps-"

You were cut off the shrill sound of excitement in a female voice.

Glancing upwards, two young girls had lit up expressions as they eyed David.

David smiled brightly when catching sight of them "Alexandra, Clarissa! Hello!"

A slender red headed girl with with a wide smile and large green eyes gently embraced David "David! I missed you, it's been so long!"

Her friend, a brunette with defined cheekbones and a dazzling smile gave a small wave "It's nice seeing you again."

David gave another cute smile and glanced in your direction- seeing your puzzled expression.

"Oh, [Y/N]- these are good friends of mine, Alexandra, and Clarissa." He pointed the Red head as Alexandra, and Clarissa the brunette.

You pursed your lips into a polite smile and shook their hands "Lovely to meet your acquaintance."

Alexandra smiled, then looked to David "Is this your sister? The one you spoke of quiet often? She matches the description you gave rather well." She examined you from a far and narrowed her eyes in thought.

Clarissa nodded slowly "Seems so- do tell David." She looked to your boyfriend with confused eyes.

You stifled a small giggle as they mistaked you for his sister. Looking up towards David with an expression of humor, you shook your head.

David fumbled his words and waved is hands in disagreement "Oh..no, no. You have it quiet wrong. This is [Y/N], my girlfriend. I have spoke of her to you- but  not as my sister!" He clarified with a laugh of embarrassment, rubbing his jaw slightly.

Alexandra blushed and laughed "Oh? My mistake! It's nice to meet you-" she smiled softly in your direction.

Clarissa seemed to be dumbfounded as he mentioned girlfriend- she nodded slowly and eyed you from a far- sighing softly.

Looking down in a feeling of  awkwardness- you rocked back and forth on your heels.

"Since we're all together...perhaps a cup of coffee and a walk through the park wouldn't be too bad?" David slowly spoke up, sensing tension.

Alexandra caught on to his words and nodded "Indeed."

Carefully sliding an arm around your waist, David pulled you by his side as he walked. "Sister? Preposterous- you're far too pretty."

You laughed softly and shook your head "Oh David, what am I to do with you?"

"Never let me go." He smiled and kissed your temple, walking down the sidewalk with you and his friends by his sides.

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