Axl Rose

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     Axl was a bad boy. A partier. A rockstar, not to mention- your best friend.

A party was being held at Slash's place in honor of his new released album.

"Hey, lovely lady- Slash has a party planned out for tonight, You should come over." You could practically imagine Axl smiling into the phone as he said so.

"Oh, sounds great. I might be a bit late- I have a project that's overdue." You sighed, informing him.

"Well, that's no problem. I'll just come over and help you Finish- that way I can take you to Slash's place from there." He spoke in a no-big-deal tone.

You smiled a bit, "That'd be really great- are you sure it's no trouble?"

Axl laughed "If it was trouble, I might have not suggested it."

You rolled your eyes and laughed  along with him "Hah hah ha.- I'll see you in a bit."

"Alrighty then." He agreed before hanging up.

You put the phone back into its place upon the wall, twirling your hair around your finger- heading towards your art studio- a sigh escaped you.

A blank canvas stood upon its easel- almost taunting you. You'll never get me done. Nah nah nah nah nah nahhhhh. It seemingly yelled at you with laughter.

Grunting unhappily, you took a slender brush and stared at the white canvas long and hard- unsure what to do.

As you finally began to start touching the brush to the canvas, the doorbell rang- causing you to nearly jump out of your skin.

"Coming!" You shouted before setting the paint brush down, jogging to the front door.

Opening the grand door- Axl stood in the doorway wearing his causal attire. Bandana, leather jacket and pants, a graphic tee.

He smiled and Hugged you with an arm "Evening, lovely lady." He joked and elbowed you.

You laughed and shook your head, directing him into the art studio. "I might need more help than I thought..." You mumbled.

"You're just realizing" He teased.

"Oh shut up." You laughed. "I'm serious though- I don't know what to do...or how to start." You sighed in frustration.

"Hm..right." He squinted at the blank canvas. Picking up your paintbrush, he just splattered red paint against it.

You gasped "What are you doing?!-"

"Shh-..." He mumbled and focused once more.

Continuously, he splattered different  shades of reds and yellows- tints of orange, and bits of flaming pink. "Just- need to combine colors...Its like a song. The more similar notes you add, the prettier it sounds."

You watched and slowly understood, grabbing a brush of your own- adding contrasting colors of greens, blues and purples.

Stepping back to admire your masterpiece- you smiled.

Once again, Axl couldn't help but show his compassionate side.

"Looks great." You smiled wider.

Axl put his hands up "I know, I know." He joked.

Raising your brow you laughed and splattered paint onto his cheek and nose. "Hm. Pink really suites you."

Axl gasped and dipped his hand into paint, smearing globs of it all over your shirt. "Awe, cute!" He joked.

You both ran around the studio painting each other. Giggles
escaping you- you both ditched the party.

Spending time with each other was more fun anyhow.

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