Nikki Sixx

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Hey! 3k guys! Almost 4k!!! Whoop whoop!

Did anyone actually miss these one shots? I've been putting it off for too long. XD XD XD.

Nikki was honestly- a beautiful, beautiful man.

He was gorgeous, wild, suggestive- playful...yet under all the make-up, under all the rockstar glam...

He was your friend. A friend you cared about deeply.

Sitting at the kitchen counter, belonging to the apartment you and Nikki both shared, you skimmed through the morning paper.

Crossing your legs slightly, you wore an oversized Loose tee-shirt. Your hair in a messy bun from sleep, Mascara smeared a bit, lipstick stained and practically wiped off.


A soft yawn was heard, and a sleepy Nikki emerged from the hallway.

His darkly colored hair was wild- just the way you liked it- the usual way he'd wear it, anyway.

He wore a pair of spandex boxers- charcoal grey, which cut off at his mid thigh.

Nothing else.

Stretching his arms above his head, he yawned once more, reaching his left arm behind his back- rubbing a shoulder blade.

"Mmmmmorning hot stuff." He spoke in a raspy-morning voice, heading for the refrigerator.

You arched your brows, setting the paper down upon the marble slab counter, a laugh escaped you. " 'Hotstuff?'...Morning, Nikki-Pooh." You teased before playfully rolling your eyes.

He glance to you and winked before grabbing a beer from the lower shelf, bending at the waist a bit- giving you a chance to admire his âss.

You rested your elbow on the counter and laughed at yourself, shaking your head and blushing.

Nikki glanced back over his shoulder, giving the widest smirk you'd ever seen.

"Everything good, over there..?" He purred, swinging his hips slowly from side to side.

You harshly set the paper down once more, and pursed your lips into an embarrassed smile- laughing slightly as you drew a leg back, and kicked him in the lower back, pushing him up against the fridge.

His eyes widened and he gasped jokingly "You bîtch!" He joked in a friendly manner, laughing as he turned his body to face you.

His figure was slim, and oddly, had slight curves here and there- his skin tone fair and smooth, warm to touch.

A cocky smile dancing on his lips, his lower half predominately defined, currently, by the boxers he wore- outlining his member perfectly.

But hey, you definitely weren't complaining.

"Oh? Am I? What a shame." You spoke sarcastically and snapped your fingers.

He paused before narrowing his eyes, and cocking his brows- laughing lowly as he sprinted toward you, reaching out to grab you.

Eyes widening, you shrieked in surprise and slid out of the chair, darting out of the kitchen.

The sound of footprints chasing you could be heard as your heart pounded, laughs escaping you as you swiftly turned corners, and spun around furniture.

"Nikki! Stop! Don't!" You pleaded with a laugh.

Eventually, you bursted into the bedroom and wheeled around slamming the door shut- but, alas, it was too late.

Nikki pushed it open roughly, forcing you to tumble backwards on the bed.

He stood in the doorway, panting slightly with a grin on his face- laughter escaping him.

Something about his stance, made you feel of pang of-...of...what was it?

You couldn't exactly word it properly..or describe it...but, you felt something.

The air was tense, as you lay on the bed breathing heavily- propped up upon your elbows with wide eyes and a small smile from the playful chase you'd just experienced.

"Nikki- that was silly, don't do that crap again, I actually got scared-..."

You paused when he approached you, climbing upon the bed into front of you- he stood on his knees, before straddling your hips, gently placing his hand on your jaw as he captured your mouth in a kiss.

You felt that feeling again, surging through your veins.

Taking in a sharp breath- you let out a sigh in content, replying with a softer, slower, kiss.

Nikki pulled his lips off of yours for a moment, and a playful grin surfaced his expression before he pointed at you solemnly, poking your nose.

"Don't tell Tommy.." He mumbled softly.

You raised a brow, laughing as you bit your lower lip. "Why?..."

He gave you a incredulous look "Because, that hot sonofabîtch would call me a slut." He retorted before pushing you down against he mattress, capturing your lips in another kiss.

It seemed you both understood..and you didn't have to explain your just knew...that's what it was, a feeling of love.

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