Mick Jagger

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     "Mick Stop!" You let out a shriek-like-laugh and darted around to the other side of the pool.

Mick looked at you from the opposing side. A smirk like grin on his face "Absolutely not! Not until I capture the damsel in distress!" He joked.

You laughed softly and shook your head "No! I'm fine. Really!"

Too late.

Mick had sprinted after you, causing you to run away instantly.

Before long, he wrapped his arms around your waist and captured you, scooping you up bridal style.

You giggled and hugged his neck, gasping with surprise "Put me down!" You laughed as you spoke.

Mick looked around and sighed playfully "If you insist.." He let you slip out of his arms and into the pool, resting one hand on his hip, he examined his nails on the other.

You flailed and shrieked, being thrown into the dark blue-freezing pool water.

The chemical filled water burned your nose as it entered your lungs.

Coughing as you reached the surface, you growled lightly "How rude."

Mick gave you a surprised innocent look "What? Me? Definitely not! I did as you asked." He replied.

You rested your elbows upon the pools concrete surface- beckoning him close.

He raised a brow and got down on his knees- looking after you.

Smiling softly, you laughed a bit and gently pulled him close.

Carefully, you placed a hand on the side of his neck- the other on his cheek.

Softly, you connected your lips to his- your mouths moving slowly in unison.

Mick sighed contently and smiled against your mouth.

"Mick-" you whispered.

He barely spoke a word, practically grunting "..?"

"Lesson number one: Never trust the enemy." You purred softly, before jerking him into the pool by his shoulders.

His eyes widened as he put his hands out- before landing into the pool water with a splash.

You began to laugh and smile- waiting a minute or two for him to return to the surface, he didn't.

You frowned a bit and began to panic.

Where is he?

"Mick?" You called out softly.

"Mick?!" You yelled out, swimming in circles hoping to spot him.

It was only then, had he emerged from the surface- from underneath you.

He grasped your thighs and held you upon his shoulders, laughing in the process.

Gasping in surprise, you screamed and hugged his neck tightly "Mick!"

"[Y/N]!" he screamed with a laugh.

You breathed heavily and let out soft nervous laughs "You nearly scared me to death!"

"Lesson number two: Expect the unexpected."

[TheBeatlemaniacs hah. See what I did there?]

You laughed and shook your head, poking his cheeks "Oh- how funny."

He beamed sarcastically "I am, aren't I."

"You're something alright..." You mumbled under your breath.

Mick quickly tossed you over his shoulders and into his arms, holding you bridal style once more "What was that?"

You had clung onto his frame for dear life "Stop throwing me around!" You exclaimed and laughed.

He shook his head and smiled, kissing your cheek "Oops."

After a little while longer of playing around and laughing, the sun slowly began to set.

Mick climbed out of the pool, and dried himself off.

He headed for the hammock, and plopped down.

Folding his arms behind his head in the shape of a T, he smiled after you.

"Come here." He spoke softly.

You clambered out after him, drying yourself off.

Grasping a large towel, you laid down beside him, cuddling with him under the towel.

He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and stared up at the sky.

"I think I love you." He spoke randomly.

You laughed sleepily, and stayed cuddled into his side "I should hope so, Mr.Jagger."

"As do I, soon to be Mrs.Jagger."

You paused and looked up to him "Wait- hold on for a moment, what?"

He only smiled and looked back to the sky "I think I'm asking you to marry me."

You only stared after him in pure surprise.

"I think I'm going to say yes." You imitated him, speaking in a whisper.

He flashed his bright smile towards you, taking your hand
in his.

He kissed each one of your knuckles and looked to you "I think I'm the happiest man alive."

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