Steven Tyler~2

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[This chapter is dedicated to Steven due to his birthday, and because I wanted to make another Steven one shot XD. If you haven't already, check out my Birthday note to Steven in 'Why the classic rock fandom rules' novel, that way you're caught up a bit.]

Steven, Steven, Steven- where to begin.

The morning was rather dull- your teacher droned on about mathematics.

Square roots- blah blah blah- Is important because- blah blah blah- when you use Calculus formulas- more blah blah blah.

Boring. That's understandable.

You rested your cheek against your palm- doodling aimlessly in your math notebook, occasionally flipping through your textbook, to make it look like you were at least working.

You finished adding small hearts around your lined notebook paper- Steven + [Y/N]. Very childish, so what?

Glancing upwards at the clock, the small-red-hand, what you liked to call it, zipped around rather slowly today.

A small huff escaped you as you looked back down.

"Am I boring you? Ms.[Y/L/N]?" The male teachers low, annoying voice called out.

You blushed furiously and looked down uncomfortably, fiddling with your hands in your lap "No, Sir- my apologies." You mumbled, almost a whisper.

Students laughed lowly, one in particular mumbled to his friend " 'My apologies' my äss..she's wants a good time? Come to my place." He snickered as his friends giggled.

You averted your gaze out of disgust, before looking up once more- this time, eyes were on you.

Not just any eyes- Steven's eyes.

He sat with his back straight, drumming his fingers furiously against the desk top- watching you carefully. (Photo at beginning of chapter.)

You turned your attention to him, giving a small wave.

He nodded as if to say hello- before he mouthed the words 'You alright?'

You nodded quickly, waving the subject away.

'I'm fine- thank you, though.' You replied silently.

Then he did it- he flashed a smile.

Which nearly killed you- his smile was wide and sincere, cute and playful.

You could tell he laughed a little, he shook his head and looked back down- stealing glances at you from behind the long strands of curly hair that covered his eyes.


Once the bell rang, you gathered your books- and slid out from your seat.

The guy from earlier who had made that disturbing comment- grabbed your wrist, causing your books to fly into the ground.

You scoffed and jerked away "Leave me alone- I don't want anything to do with you." You kneeled down to gather your books, when he put a foot down on your textbook- picking up your opening notebook that showed your doodles.

Eyes widening, mouth opening slightly- cheeks turning bright red.

You jumped up and panicked "Hey! Give that back!" You exclaimed.

The guy only snickered and held it up for his friends to see "Ohhhh- got a crush? Mind if I share-"

"I mind- so put the dämn book down, and get the hëll out of here before you're left to deal with me."
A deep, raspy voice spoke dangerously.

Snapping his attention upwards, the boys eyes widened- as he stood face to face with Steven, who was much taller- and let alone a badäss who was the leader of the schools most dangerous, badäss 'gang'- soon to be Aerosmith.

In a frightened manner, the guy leaned forward and gave you back your textbook- before backing up, and taking off with his friends.

Sighing with relief, you blushed and looked down "Thank you~"

He only chuckled softly- "hm~ I am interested however in this 'doodle'.." He carefully took the notebook and examined the pages, brows raising.

Once again, your eyes widened as you panicked- heart pounding. "No!-...wait!"

Then you paused- he did something you never expected he'd ever do when seeing this.

He smiled.

"Awe, babe this is cute. Next time, add more hearts? Maybe? Ooh, can you color my name in purple?" He laughed with pure happiness, as he leaned close to speak to you.

Slight hesitation followed as he then kissed your cheek- your breath hitching.

Pursing is lips, blushing bright red- he stammered "Uh-...hah...I was going to ask...if you wanted to uh, hang out after school-....but if you don't want to that's totally cool."

He quickly mumbled the last part, in a 'no big deal' tone- waving it away with the shrug of his shoulders.

Heart pounding in your chest once more, you quickly stood on the tips of your feet and kissed his jaw- being as you weren't tall enough to kiss his cheek. "I'd love to- I want to." You replied.

He smiled his lovely smile again- before handing you your notebook.

Before doing so he paused- "Can I-....keep this?" He pointed to the doodle.

Blushing, you smiled and nodded.

He smiled again and without hesitation, he wrapped an arm around your waist- "I have no idea where your next class you'll have to guide me."

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