Keith Moon

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Oh Keith- where to begin, well...

You had been on the road for God knows how long, your eye lids felt like they could snap shut at any second- your body ached, to sum it up, you were tired.

Approaching a small quant motel at the nearest exit- you entered the building and paid for a room.

The room you entered was mellow and peaceful, flower patterned carpet- a yellow comforter with white lace pillow cases, curtains matches the comforter- a simple stand up lamp lit up the room with its soft glow.

You set your stuff beside the mattress and collapsed on to the bed, it was stiff at first- yet easily you grew comfortable upon the bed.


Not having a clue what time it was, you jolted awake from loud sounds crashing around in the room beside you.

Laughter and guitar riffs sounded from the room-

You groaned and blinked, trying to get rid of the sleep in your eyes.

Hair was stuck to your cheek as drool slowly made its way down your chin

quickly swatting at your [Y/H/C] hair, you rubbed the back of your neck and stood, angrily storming out of your room.

Slamming the palm of your hand against the neighboring door- the room went silent.

Soft whispers were heard, bits of laughter in between-

The door opened abruptly, a man with brown hair and lovingly brown eyes looked to you, his mouth was curved and thin- his nose being predominate.

He tilted his head looking to you- "Hello- Miss, can I help you?" He asked politely.

Being slightly fazed by his voice, you blinked and clenched your jaw "I believe you can, perhaps stop being incredibly loud?! People need to sleep, because some of us have to drive long hours the next day! So, if you could refrain- please do." You yawned in between a few words, speaking in an agitated tone.

The man before you blinked "Oh-...I apologize Miss...We hadn't the slightest intentions to disturb you...-"

He was cut off by another, deeper voice, laughing "Good going Pete, making girls unhappy already?"

The man, Pete, threw a look over his shoulder "Aye- shut up." He snapped with embarrassment.

"Since you're here- perhaps a cup of coffee? Or tea? As an apology." He opened the door all the way and stepped out of your path.

You were hesitant- but you found yourself curious of these boys, Pete seemed calm and gentle, no intentions of hurting you.

They all seemed childish and playful- which clearly had no meanings of danger.

Sitting upon a wooden stool, you combed your fingers threw your hair and crossed your legs- studying the faces of each guy.

A man with blonde hair, and lovely blue eyes had been humming softly. Pete, from earlier, was speaking softly to a man with sharp, defined facial features.

"Oh, I almost forgot- this is John, and Roger-...I'm Pete, and- hey, where'd Keith run off too?"

The man who'd been humming earlier, Roger- pursed his lips and sighed "He ran off down the hall saying he was bored."

Pete face palmed and groaned "We're so screwed."

You perked up and furrowed your brows "Just curious- what's the problem?"

Pete looked to you, and rested his chin in the palm of his hand "Keith, our drummer- he's gone to cause trouble."

Standing, without hesitation- you left the room in search for this trouble-maker.

"Wait- you don't even know him!" Pete called after you.

"I'm sure I can pick him out." You mumbled, leaving Pete behind.

Quietly wondering around the floors of the hotel- you could make out the sounds of soft humming.

Slowly rounding a corner- a man wearing a leather, red shirt and tan pants had a marker in his hands.

He was writing and drawing all over the pictures that were hung upon the hotel walls.

Only assuming this was Keith, you approached him.

"Excuse me- sir.." You spoke softly and eyed his 'art' work.

Keith jumped dropping his marked, he leaned against the wall and crossed his arms- as if nothing happened.

"Hm?" He raised his brows and pursed his lips.

In all honesty- he was charming. His eyes were doe like and gorgeous, his jawline shaped perfectly.

"Are, you Keith?" You mumbled softly, studying his facial features.

He tilted his head and smiled in confusion "Yes...and you?"

"[Y/N]." You replied smoothly.

He nodded in approval and looked you up and down slowly, his lips pursed once more.

"Are you alone?" He asked with concern.

You crossed your arms and smiled "No- just with your mates."

He nodded slowly, before pausing his eyes widened "Oh shît."  He mumbled and took off running down the hall.

Pete had his arms crossed as he eyed Keith "You can't keep doing this. Sure it's all fun an whatnot- but let alone we woke this lovely girl, and you've gone off trashing the place.."

Keith frowned a bit and flopped down on the bed "Alright alright..."
After a while of talking, you decided to get going.

Wishing the boys good luck on their music career, and bidding your goodbyes- you turned to leave.

Grasping your wrist, Keith had stopped you.

"Could I have your Telephone number?" He asked slyly.

You blushed and smiled shyly, giving it to him.

Perhaps he was interested in you, perhaps you'd eventually talk for hours and hours, perhaps you'd be married in 1967, perhaps eventually the tragic conclusion of his death would hurt you- yet it all started with the first ring, of the telephone.

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