Paul McCartney

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Paul McCartney, your favorite bassist in the entire world, or- your boyfriend- was on the floor leaning up against the couch tuning his guitar.

"Well shake it up baby now-" the radio sang out happily.

"Shake it up baby." Paul replied, singing along with the radio.

You smiled watching him- he was adorable.

He'd been busy trying to come with song lyrics, as John had been sick.

You walked into the living room, holding out a cup of coffee to Paul.

Fluttering his lovely eye lashes, he looked up and smiled seeing you. "Hello, Beautiful."

You sat beside him and smiled gently "Hello, Handsome."

He laughed a little while sipping his coffee- setting his cup down he jokingly flexed "I am, aren't I."

You rolled your eyes and elbowed him lightly "Don't get carried away now."

Paul once again smiled, before turning back to his notes.

"Yesterday- all...all my-" he began to sing, pausing he sighed and dropped his notes onto the floor beside him.

"What's the trouble, Paulie?" You said with concern.

Paul picked at his lip and shook his head, starring off into the distance. "I'm having trouble finishing the song- I told John I'd try finishing it by tonight..but I'm at a lost for words."

You nodded slowly and frowned- picking up his notes you read through them and hummed out the musical notes he jotted down.

"Yesterday- all my...-" You paused to think.

"The mood of the song is supposed to be a bit somber- it's just so frustrating."

You placed your palms on his cheeks, bringing him close "I'm sorry Paulie- I wish I could help."

He hugged your waist and looked up to you with a soft smile "Ah, but when I'm with you- all my troubles seem so far away."

You smiled and leaned close to peck his lips- before he gasped and jerked away.

"That's it! Haha I've got it!" He stood up, causing you to fall face first onto the ground. You laughed lightly and rubbed your cheek "Got what?"

He helped you up "I love you." He kissed you roughly and pulled away writing the new lyrics down.

You sat in surprise watching him "I love you too?.."

He beamed and held the papers in the air "I've got it!"

Picking his guitar up, onto his lap- he began to play.

"Yesterday- all my troubles seemed so far away, but now it seems as if there here to stay- oh I believe, in yesterday." He sang sweetly.

You smiled at the sound of his voice, almost forgetting the sad meaning of his lyrics.

"You did it." You kissed his cheek and laughed.

"That wasn't too bad, now was it?"

He scoffed and looked at you "That was quite difficult!- well, perhaps not that bad.." He corrected himself.

Giving you a hug, he began to play again as he sang.

You rested your head on his shoulder and sang with him.

No matter how troubling times got- music bounded you two together with love.

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