David Bowie~4

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"P-...please...pet~...it ache's..." These four simple words became a slurred mess, as they were moaned in a needy manner.

You tilted your head, laughing softly- looking down upon your boyfriend. "Hush-...I know, now~...I'm going to touch it, just with my fingertips- alright?" You cooed, stroking his cheek reassuringly.

David merely shut his eyes, biting his lower lip hard as he leaned his head back a bit, exposing his throat. "Just be gentle, please." He whispered,  anxiously waiting to feel your touch.

Carefully- you ran your fingertips along...the small cut upon the British singers hand, he had a little tumble earlier that day, and became a complete mess, frightened and disturbed by the slight blood.

Another pained moan escaped his firmly pursed lips.

"Shh- I've hardly done anything." You laughed quietly, running his hand under cold sink water.

He shivered violently and quickly tugged his hand away, to which, you forced him to stay put.

"Behave now, it's only a little cut- be a good boy, yeah?" You shook your head and sighed, offering a reassuring smile.

"[Y/N]...please...it hurts~..." His voice became raspy as he cried out.

Clearing your throat, you only smiled and lovingly rubbed your thumb over the wound, gently, cleaning out the dirt- washing the little amount of blood away.

Another moan left David's lips- he rested his cheek against his shoulder, looking to you with pleading eyes.

This boy is ridiculous...it's a tiny scratch!

Gently, you dabbed the faint cut, before placing a band-aid across his palm.

He took a few deep breaths, and calmed himself- rubbing his forehead with his free hand.

As you pressed a tender kiss to his forehead, you smiled and pulled back- stepping away to the bathroom sink, beginning to put away the medications and bandages.

In the process, you wiped off the counter of water droplets- bending down, you Rummaged around underneath the bathroom cabinet, in hopes to make room.

David had picked his head up off the wall, stifling a sigh- he was nearly about to stand, however, once he caught sight of your lacy underwear visible from the pajama shorts you wore- he decided to stay put.

His mind wasn't fixed on the silly little cut he had, anymore.

Groaning in annoyance, you tossed bottles about- within the cabinet.

However, you felt goosebumps arise on your arms when your boyfriends- now- husky voice called out to you, in a seductively weak manner.

"..Love~...I truly do appreciate what you've just done for me~...although, I'd appreciate it even more..if you could tend your handy work to something else, for me?...after all, this hurts far worse than that silly little cut.." He purred.

You turned to be greeted by his elbows resting on either sides of the counters beside the- closed- toilet he sat upon, his thighs parted widely- and quite an impressive bulge visible to you.

His stance was very erotic, especially the playful smirk upon his face.

You slowly stood and cocked (no pun intended-..Heheheheh.) a brow at him, smiling slowly. "Oh~...?"

He proceeded by trailing his tongue along his upper lip slowly- and sexily.

"..yes~...now, love..do hurry, after all, pet~..it aches.."

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