Axl Rose~2

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For: pinupgalore

Sorry for the wait :•(
I've been sick haha, and I've had writers block. It took me sooooo long to update Duff Mckagan too.

Today was a lazy day, the best type of days.

Where the rain poured down softly- leaving small soothing pitter-patter sounds in your mind.

Where the scent of salty air wafted by your nose from the open window.

The air was chilly, and it was just perfect.

You dozed slightly on the couch, with a calico-feline curled up on your chest, her furry little face buried into the groove of your neck.

Everything was quiet and peaceful- that's is, until the front door was nearly kicked in.

Jolting slightly from the disturbance of peace- you sat up wide eyed- the feline had scampered behind your back out of fear.

And of course- it was none other than Steven. A friend of yours.

"Steven!What the hêll?! Were you trying to break down the door, or give me a heart attack? Or even both?!" You spoke with a bewildered expression upon your face.

Steven dropped his act of happiness and looked to you "...Oh-...I didn't know...heh sorry." He gave a cute smile and rubbed the back of his neck.

You leaned back against the couch and sighed softly, eventually laughing lightly "What's got you in a good mood anyway?"

Steven lit up once again, practically dancing.

He ran a hand through his fluffy blonde hair, teasing it slightly.

"Remember how I told you I'm in a band?"

You nodded slowly "mhm..."

"Well- were being signed a record deal!" He squealed.

Your eyes widened and you smiled looking to him with disbelief. "You're joking- really? That's amazing!"

He smiled and laughed "I know!!! Hey listen, I think maybe you should come over and meet the gang. It'd be fun." He bounced around energetically.

You laughed "Okay-.....okay... Calm down...When would I meet them?"

Steven calmed himself a bit and smiled "Now- I'm heading back out to catch up with them. I came back to check on you."

[ ♥️ ]

You smiled after your friend "Alrighty then."


Steven had taken you to a recording studio- a large sign plastered to the front, clearly the organizations name.

As Duff took you to the room where he claimed his band mates would be- he couldn't help but babble on excitedly.

"Guys, I'm back- I brought a good friend of mine."

"Friend with benefits?" A voice called out, soft laughs followed.

Steven mimicked whoever had spoke before laughing along "shut up."

You blushed slightly and laughed along quietly.

A man with curly black hair sat upon a large amplifier box and strummed at his guitar mindlessly-

On the other hand, two other blondes were talking and laughing- one you had already met before, Duff- and the didn't know.

But you felt drawn to him- he was rather attractive. A bandana of red around his forehead, a pair of sunglasses upon his face.

He smiled and seemed lively as he laughed talking with Duff.

"[Y/N]~ this is Slash, You already know Duff- and That's Axl."

Duff gave you a friendly wave- Slash glanced to you, pursed his lips into a small smile and nodded- Axl, bee lined right towards you.

He smiled "Nice to meet you-.."
He spoke softly.

You blushed a tad bit more and smiled "Nice to meet you too~..."

That- was the marking of a bond that never would be broken.

From then on, you were meeting up with Steven to go to concerts- seeing Axl.

You'd spend time together every chance he got off from work-

You loved Axl- you really did.

It all started with the first hello.


Is it just me, or do Joe Perry and Slash seem very similar.

Like, they're both quiet and rather shy- they're fantastic lead guitarists, they both have an outgoing best friend (Steven Tyler and Axl Rose)

I mean, come on guys- Joe and Slash even hang out and have done songs together.


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