David Bowie~3

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(so many David Bowie one shots. XD. But honestly, I'm proud of them all. XD. I'm Surprised, I actually think I'm a decent writer. ♥️.)

(Why is David so cute. WHY. He's so humble and just so- UGH. ♥️♥️♥️♥️)

For: batmanbale ♥️


Today was an exciting day- an extremely exciting day.

You'd get to meet up with your old best friend, Paul. Paul McCartney.

You knew each-other back in grade school- being friends up until eleventh grade, the time when Paul had Joined a band and didn't have time for school anymore.

David had suggested to drive you up to Liverpool- being as you currently lived a good hour away.

"Oh David, Dear! I cannot believe it! I get to see him again!" You smiled and happily chartered.

David watched you with pure interest, smiling as you continued to buzz happily.

"I've never seen you so happy, Love. It brings me joy." He sighed contently and rounded an arm around you waist- carefully brushing his lips against your cheek.

Resting your palm against his chest, you giggled lightly and smiled "Oh David- I'm always happy when I'm with you."

He smiled wider this time, carefully taking your hand in his own. "-Then I insist I come to meet your friend."


A small coffee shop outside of lovely quaint apartment complexes had been scheduled as a meeting spot.

Entering the small shop, David had bustled to your side- pulling out a chair for you to sit upon.

"Why, thank you." You smiled up to him.

He gave a teasing, polite bow- before kissing your hand "My pleasure."

As you both sat and waited- You kept your gaze turned to the door, and window. Waiting to see if Paul had arrived.

David continued to babble on, in an effort to capture your attention.

"Therefor- I decided to was best to rid of the poor cat. He'd been sick, I couldn't bare to see him die before me- giving him to an animal nursing home seemed best." He sighed, resting his cheek against his palm sadly.

Pursing your lips, you looked to him- taking his free hand carefully in your own "Oh David, I'm dreadfully sorry to hear of the matter."

He caught your gaze, smiling softly "It's quite-"

Before he could finish, the door to the shop opened- in walked Paul.

Wearing his causal morning suite of grey- his eyes scanning the shop.

Jumping upwards- you waved like a mad person "Paul!!" You exclaimed with a huge smile on your face.

Turning your way, Pauls eyes widened as he laughed out loud- instantly heading your way.

David sat up straight instantly, his expression of confusion and showing tension as he glanced between you, and Paul.

Brushing past tables, you headed for Paul- as he embraced you, spinning you around.

"I missed you!" You exclaimed and hugged him tightly.

"[Y/N], I missed you dearly as well! The boys had been asking about you- I couldn't believe I was finally going to get to see you again after all this time." Paul smiled softly, carefully releasing you from his grasp.

"Ah~ hello, yes- down here." David raised his hand slightly, looking up from his seat.

He gave an uneasy smile and finally stood. "You're Paul, I'm assuming from all the excitement."

Paul looked downwards to David and nodded "I do believe I am- bloody hell! You're quiet the tall one!" He looked up as David had towards above Paul.

Sheepishly smiling, David blushed uncomfortably and laughed a little- rubbing the back of his neck.

"Indeed he is." You smiled and wrapped your arms around his torso.

Paul raised a brow and pointed a finger between you and David "Is this the lad you spoke of before? The one you said would be joining us, I presume."

You nodded "Yes- David, this is Paul- Paul, this is David- my boyfriend."

As the three of you talked on and on- well, mainly you and Paul- David has remained quiet, only watching Paul with his cheeks burning slightly.

Almost in a jealous manner.

David wasn't used to not having your attention all the time- not that it was too much of a problem...it was unusual. And he didn't like it one bit.

"I was curious to see if you'd want to come- after all, the next concert is being held sometime next week. Perhaps afterwards you could stay the weekend. It'd be great for you to meet the boys."
Paul spoke casually, holding his palm out in the process.

You focused on his words, smiling softly in the process "That sounds wonderful Paul, I'd have to see if I'm not busy-"

"-oh no! It seems we actually, could possibly be." David piped up, frowning.

"What?-" you looked to David with confusion.

Paul turned his gaze to David and raised his brows.

"Yes- I have a busy schedule for us, picnics- recordings, dinner plans, fun gatherings- interviews." He trailed on, shrugging with a little sigh.

You slowly caught on to what was happening- no matter how many reasons he gave, he was still incredibly polite in the process.

As you and David headed home, you shook your head- smirking just a bit.

"David Jones." You spoke in a playful surprised tone.

He perked up and looked down to you, swing your untwined hands back and forth "Yes, Love?"

"Jealous much?" You held your head high and continued to smirk.

His face grew bright red as he blushed furiously "W-what? No, [Y/N]- why would I be?"

You shrugged a bit, smiling to yourself. "You didn't honestly think I have more love for Paul, did you?"

"...No!" He stammered.

"Good- because it just simply isn't possible for me to love any one other than you." You mumbled with a smile.

A sigh of relief was heard under his breath as he leaned close, kissing your cheek passionately "That's good news to me- I was beginning to grow jealous."

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