George Harrison

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Happy Birthday George!

We all miss you dearly, your music was a joy to listen to- it made us smile, laugh, and cry. You did it all- here's to you Joj .

Cheers ❤️

Today was George's Birthday- he'd specifically said he didn't want to make a big deal of it...but you ignored him anyway

Inviting John, Paul, and Ringo over- you carefully finished decorating the living room with colourful streamers and balloons.

A smile rested upon your face as you admired your work, with your hands upon your hips.

A gentle chime of bells began to sound as the doorbell rang, carefully trotting towards the front door- you opened it revealing The lads.

"Hello, Boys." You greeted and gave each lad a hug and a friendly kiss.

John nodded " 'Ello [Y/N], where's Joj?" He asked softly after pecking your cheek in a 'hello' manner.

"Off at the market- he's picking up crackers." You replied- giving Paul a hug.

"Ah, do we have time to finish setting up here?" Ringo asked.

You nodded, waving the boys into the kitchen "We have probably around thirty minutes to finish up. John- finish putting up streamers. Paul- you do balloons. Ringo- put the wrapped gifts on the table and make everything look neat." You instructed.

Each bloke did as they were told and darted off to 'man their battle station'.

Carefully, you began to finish up with the cake- writing: Happy Birthday Georgie.

You smiled down at your craftsmanship and set the cake down on the table- carefully sorting out party foods on the table in a neat display.

Grasping a knife, you raised it towards the cake to cut it in to even pieces-

Before doing so, you were startled by the sound of cursing- and loud crashing.

Gasping in pain- you'd cut a deep gash into the palm of your hand out of being frightened.

Trembling, you cursed lowly and held back tears- rushing into the next room to see what the fuss was all about.

John had gotten tangled up in streamers- he fell off the ladder and onto the coffee table, holding his leg in pain as he cursed lowly.

Paul had come to Johns rescue, helping up and doing his best to support the, now, injured man.

Ringo had guiltily come around the corner- frowning as he'd arranged things messily, some items being broken in the process.

This wasn't happening- George would be home any minute and you hadn't-...

The front door carefully opened and closed- George stepped in with his back to you as he took off his coat closing the door.

"Absolutely absurd! Crackers were more expensive than the market down the street! You said there was to be a sale, but noooo! I did not see the slightest reduction in retail price, as if that wasn't bad enough-!......"

Finally facing you all, George starred blankly- his mouth opened just a bit as he took in the sight of you four.

Paul was carefully holding John up due to his, now, swelling knee.

Ringo was covered in a mess of ripped wrapping paper and food crumbs.

And, there stood you. In the center of the room, holding your trembling a wrist as a waterfall of blood poured down the sides of your hand.

"Oh good god. What have you fools done." George mumbled with concern.

He rushed to your side and instantly dragged you to the bathroom.

With no warning, practically the entire bottle of hydrogen-peroxide was dumped upon the open wound.

You fidgeted and jumped about, letting out whimpers of pain.

After rinsing the cleaner away, your hand was bandaged with care- George let a final kiss on your hand before returning to the living room.

He helped ice Johns knee, propping his leg upon a pillow helping him ease down on to the couch.

Finally approaching Ringo- he just sighed and handed him a napkin.

George seemed to take control of his own birthday party disaster- how depressing.

"George- I'm sorry...we tried didn't go as planned.-"
You spoke softly.

George let out a laugh and shook his head "I didn't want a party, because I knew you four would end up in a mess of things. I only wanted everyone to be happy and unhurt." He spoke as-a-matter-o-factly.

You only weakly smiled with embarrassment "...Happy Birthday to you.."

Paul caught on quickly and smiled happily, singing with a soft voice as he supported John.

John only moaned the lyrics as he sighed.

Ringo- oh dear Ringo...Bellowed the lyrics happily as if his life depended on it.

George ended up cracking a smile, he gently hugged you- pulling your frame against his.

"Happy Birthday Georgie." You smiled against his neck.

"Now for my favorite part of turning another year older..." He mumbled softly against your temple.

You chewed on your inner lip and smiled "Yeah?-...."

He purred into you ear "..Cake."

You blinked and laughed softly "Oh-.. Right. Absolutely, Cake."

George scampered off towards the kitchen.

Which is when it finally hit you.


A upset gasp filled the house.

You remained still.

George came running out of the kitchen with the cake in his palms "What is this.!?"

You eyes the cake, the once white frosting stained with your splotches of blood.

"....No body's perfect.." You mumbled and shrugged a bit.

"Care to agree, to disagree?" He smiled cheekily.

Ahhhh this is lateeee I'm sorryyyyyy. I got distracted and forgot to post XD X(

Hopefully you enjoyed George's Birthday Party Mess Up!

If you haven't already, check out my current fic, Walk This Way.

I'll be uploading the next chapter soon, in a bit actually.

So, yay!

Thank you for all my followers, readers, and supporters.

Especially to spacexoddity I would not have even started these of it weren't for her.

As well as radiomeddows there is no need for an explanation- you're just so amazing.

And- &TheBeatlemaniacs you're so much fun to talk to XD even though we've spoken very briefly.

Thank you, everyone.

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