Freddie Mercury

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     Freddie was adorable. He was silly, funny, and- what he liked to call himself... A musical prostitute.

Being your boyfriend, Freddie loved to show his true side to you. Which involved a lot of singing randomly, outbursts, dancing, and dressing up.

You currently sat in the living room on the floor, jotting down ideas for a new novel you planned on writing.

It wasn't long before the peaceful silence was disturbed by a "Huzzah!"

Glancing up, checking your surroundings- Freddie came bolting down the stairs.

Wearing a long royal cape, a crown in his hands. He poses before you, proudly. "Hello, peasant." He purred.

You raised your brows and laughed slightly "Excuse me? Your majesty." You teased.

Freddie smiled a little and cleared his throat, placing his crown upon his head. "Darling- it isn't you, it's me. I believe I've fallen in love, with my inner royal side." His whispered and fell down on one knee- lowering his head.

You continued to laugh, shaking your head- you crossed your arms across your chest and watched. "Oh, but my queen- thou mustn't apologize for being such a royal influence."

You gave a mischievous grin before bowing, playing along.

Freddie laughed happily,
He posed once again- crossing his arms. He looked upwards towards the ceiling.

"My dear child, for it seems I am at a lost for words. Fetch me a drink- now shoo." He waved you off.

You stifled a laugh and rolled your eyes "How about a touch up on your makeup, my lady?" You asked politely.

Freddie nearly dropped dead "Oh darling! Absolutely! Please!?- oh, erm. I mean, why- child, I'd love for you to offer a hand and help this lovely queen you see before you." He curtseyed.

You laughed and smiled, gathering your makeup kit. Having Freddie sit on the couch- you sat behind him and began to brush his soft long hair.

"My queen, you shall be gorgeous when I am done with you." You remarked.

Freddie raised a brow "But aren't thou beautiful already?"

"Oh, of course." You reassured him, kissing the corner of his mouth slightly.

He smiled a little, before turning to face you. Kissing you softly he sighed happily. "This King would rather cuddle with his queen." He spoke softly.

You both kissed soft and slow, before curling up in the couch- cuddling under the Queens royal cape.

"My, my. The queen loves this indeed." You joked.

Freddie only laughed and cuddled you close. "I love you too."

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