Duff McKagan

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[Suggested by: spacexoddity
Sorry for the wait, I'm sick at the moment XD


"Good god." Duff hissed under his breath as he fumbled with the supposed-to-be-tent, which currently looked like a freak accident.

Dropping a pile of sticks in the center of your 'camp site'- or the cleared area of land you both scouted out- you brushed the dirt from your palms onto your jeans and huffed, placing your hands on your waist "Having difficulties?" You tilted your head.

"No.." Duff paused and mumbled, returning to struggling with the tent.

The instructions were a ways away, crumpled up and tossed into the grass.

Picking it up, you smoothed out the wrinkles and laughed lightly "It'd probably be helpful if you read this.." You waved it playfully in front of his face.

He glanced upwards towards you and sighed "I think I can manage by myself.."

You gave a small shrug and tossed it back down.

By the time the tent was finished, you had managed to start a fire. Smiling down at the small heated flames, you dusted your hands off on your knees caps.

Duff had approached you and nodded with approval "Hm. Impressive."

Shooting him a look over your shoulder, you gave him a joking smirk "I am, aren't I."

He laughed softly and hugged your waist from behind "Oh, of course."

Laughing, you wiggled free of his grasp, and darted off.

Duff stared with confusion and surprise- before chasing after you.

Giggling, you dodged him- hiding near bushes and trees.

Moments went by as you stayed quiet- breathing heavily as you hid.

No sign of Duff.

Peeking around a corner, you examined the forest for signs of another human.

The sky was darkening, becoming a pastel blue with hints of plum purple- the sun no where in the sky.

The trees swayed eerily- the breeze blowing through the leaves caused loud sounds.

Small woodland creatures shrieked to one another, before darting off to their 'homes'.

Shifting, you faced forewords once again- leaning back against the dirty tree.

"Duff?" You called softly.

No Response.

"Duff?" You called louder.


You cupped your hands over your mouth and sucked in a breath of air- "Du- Gah!" You shrieked and felt a figure slam into your own.

Your heart hammered in your chest as you looked up to the being on top of you.

Duff laughed breathlessly and pinned your wrists to the soil covered ground "found you!"

You groaned and let your head fall back against the ground "You scared me!"

He laughed and kissed your throat "Awe- sorry not sorry." He climbed off you.

You hissed angrily and slowly brought yourself to your feet.

"You wanna play that game? Fine- lets play that game." You spoke in a sharp tone.

Duff stares for a moment and slowly put his hands up, narrowing his eyes "Wait-...I don't really want to play any games.."

You shrugged carelessly and turned away- heading off towards the lake.

Duff only watched for a moment and finally caught on.

"On second thought..."

You laughed lowly "Mhm..."

The result of the night was rather fun.

You both played around in the water- laughing and hollering loudly as the moon began to rise.

"Oh please, is that the best you've got?" Duff raised his brow and crossed his arms over his bare chest.

You laughed lowly, and splashed him in the eyes with the salty water as you had the chance "Maybe- maybe not."

He hissed and cried out "Hey! That hurt! That's cheating!" He rubbed his eyes with the back of his palms and groaned.

You swam a little farther out and giggled "Be a man!"

He paused and looked to you "That- I can do."

Diving down under the water- he darted after you.

"Oh god- Duff?! No! Come on! Don't you dare." You called out and swam in circles looking down at the darkly colored water.

It was dead silent- moments passed and your heart raced as you remained quiet.

Slight bubbles surfaced before you- letting out a soft groan of fear, you watched for movement.

A figure became visible to you as it quickly shot upwards- finally breaking the surface.

Duff grasped your thighs and pulled you close, as he scooped you up.

You shrieked out in surprise and clung to him "Duff! You âss!" You laughed nervously.

Duff only laughed hysterically and rested his forehead against yours "Awe- you love me and you know it."

"Eh..." You mumbled sarcastically.

"Oh shut up." He joked and kissed you tenderly.

Smiling softly- you rested your palm against his cheek and wrapped a free arm around his neck, staying in his arms.

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