Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:  

"Beautiful!" A squeaky voice shrieked as I came out of the dressing room. Tiffany, my best friend, was with me right now as I looked for dresses. I had on a red halter top a-line dress and black combat boots.

"It's not too.... I don't know.... Hugging?" I asked her joking, standing on the platform in the middle of the store with surrounding mirrors, The sales woman scoffed at my suggested diss to myself.

"Sweetheart, you look amazing!" Tiffany said clapping her tan manicured hands. Her blonde hair bounced in anticipation as she stared at me in the mirror. I sighed looking at my figure in the mirror. I needed to stop seeing myself that way. I had lost weight for a reason. Because of him.

"So!" I said stepping off the platform and smiling at the salt and peppered haired woman in all black who's name tag read 'Lola.' "I'll take this one." I smiled. She nodded and gently ushered me back into the changing room taking the dress after I threw it over my head. I changed back into my torn black jeans, black loose shirt with a silver skull on the front, then a black and white stripped loose cardigan. I fixed my brown and blonde ombré hair which had grown down to my shoulder blades and had a slight curl at the end. I finally accepted how I looked after kicking him out of my life. I always felt like I wasn't good enough for him because he'd always like girls who were the opposite of me. I changed my number, moved out of my apartment into my new one, and started doing what I loved.

"Amy!" I heard Tiffany say on the other side of the dressing room door. I opened it and sat down to pull my combat boots back on. "You looked killer in that dress. Boys are going to freak at that party tonight!" She ensured me. I smiled at the compliment. Then she just had to ask. "Are you afraid he'll be there?"

"Tiffany! Don't speak of him!" I hissed back at her. She held up her hands in apology. We made our way back our of the dressing rooms and to the counter. I paid for my dress while I said goodbye to the women workers,whom have seen me a lot lately since my song writing and my book had taken off, and Kevin who was my gay stylist whom worked at the dress shop for fun. "Want some lunch?" Tiffany nodded as I asked.

"I'm freaking starving!" She laughed. I drove to a restaurant where we say for an hour or two eating and talking. I then took Tiffany to her house and told her I'd call her after I walked the red carpet for the new teen heart throb movie. I hurried into my apartment building holding my dress and purse walking into the elevator. I pushed six for my floor when a tall blonde boy walked into my elevator.

"Sorry gotta stop at five." He smirked at me. I nodded and pulled out my phone. I knew him from somewhere, but my gut told me not to ask for I may regret it. "Hi!" He said as we stopped on every floor picking up people.

"Hi!" I smiled weakly. I went on Twitter seeing I had a million followers now. I sent out a tweet thanking everyone and locked my phone. We were now at floor three when the guy asked me a question.

"What's your name?"

"Amy, yours?" He smiled

"nice to meet you Amy. I'm Kendall." I knew who he was now. He was in a boyband. Big Time Rush. With him. I nodded smiling but inside I panicked. I anticipated my floor more than anything. We got to floor five quickly, and Kendall turned to smile and wave. "See ya around Amy!" He said and stepped out of the elevator with the rest of the people. I was now alone in the elevator as it opened on my floor. I hurried out of the elevator before I could see anyone else. I rushed into my apartment and locked the door behind me. I heard voices out in the hall that also sounded familiar.

"Which floor did Kendall say he lived on?" A male asked.

"I swear he said floor six." Another male voice said.

"Lets ask someone, they ought to know." Yep. That was the voice I was looking for. I backed away from the door as I knew he was coming to mine. A knock at the door sent chills down my spine. I sighed. And sat down at the kitchenette bar which was five feet from the door.

"Hello?" He asked. "Anyone home?" He asked a moment later.

"I guess go to the next one down." One of the other male voices spoke up.

"Logan just give up on that one, no ones home!" The one who hadn't spoke previously said a distance away.

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