Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: 

"Where do you wanna go?" Logan asked as we cruised down the street. I looked around squinting my eyes in the sunshine. We were sitting in Logan's car which I have never heard of the name before. He sometimes would think I wasn't looking at him and catch me looking at him, while he was trying to catch a glimpse at me. This was way too cute to be true, but oddly enough it was true. This was my life now.

"Logie, I don't care where we go." I said. He chuckled in the drivers seat and shifted to where he could hold my left hand with his right. Logan pulled into a little café and parked the car. He got out almost too quickly and ran around to my side of the car. I started laughing while getting out of the car and threw my arms around his neck and kissed him as his arms snaked around my waist.

"Okay okay." Logan said after ending our kiss. "Lets go eat." We walked in and the hostess seated us quickly and left us to look over the menu after I ordered a Coke and Logan got a coffee.

"Get whatever you like." Logan told me. We were seated at a booth where Logan was across from me and we could fit two more people on each side

. "Hmmmm... uhhhhhh.... Hmmmmm.... Naaaaahhhh.... Ahhhhh....." I hummed annoyingly a couple times. When I felt eyes on me. I looked up to see Logan's eyes burning into me. He was smiling though so it stopped the awkwardness that probably would've happened if he hadn't been. "It's not polite to stare darling." I tell Logan looking back at my menu. He laughs and gets up from the table. I look up quickly about to ask where he was going but then he slid in next to me in the booth. I smiled and leaned into his arm as it cuddled me closer to him across my shoulders. "I think I'll have the vegetarian omelet." I said closing my menu.

"Oh you're a vegetarian?" He asked. I shook my head no. "Then why do you chose the omelet?" He chuckled looking down at me. I shrugged.

"It had the lesser carb count." I explained. Logan didn't say anything further, he just looked at his menu. I sighed knowing I struck something in him with that, not that I had meant to. The waitress came back with our drinks and asks us if we were ready to order. We both nod and I let Logan go.

"I'll have the biscuits and gravy breakfast, sunny side up eyes, bacon, and wheat toast." He said smiling up at the woman. She nods and takes his menu and looks at me. I was about to open my mouth when Logan starts speaking again. "She'll have the two choco-pancake breakfast, bacon, and hash browns." He smiled handing her my menu. My mouth was hanging open as he had just ordered me probably over a thousand calories not including the Coke I had basically drank all the way to the bottom of the glass.

"Logan? What was that?" I asked. He shrugged and smiled at me.

"Babe, I've made you feel a certain way the whole time I've known you, I'm not doing that anymore. You're gonna eat what you want, as much as you want, when you want. I'm not going to judge you. Yes I love how you look, but will you look like this when you're sixty? No. Will I love you even then? of course! So that's why I say screw it, and live in the moment my dear." He smiles down at me. I sigh and know there's no point in arguing. Twenty minutes later after talking about what our careers have done for us, our food comes and I'm stunned by what I see. Huge chocolate chip pancakes on one plate with another plate full of hash browns and bacon. My stomach turns just looking at it. I look to see Logan has a smaller plate than my one plate in front of him. I look at Logan and wait for him to see my face. "What's wrong?" He asked about to take a bite of his first piece of bacon.

"Logan, I know you said I can do it, but I seriously can't. I can't eat this." I said worried. He looked into my eyes and I could feel tears well up in my eyes. What? Why was I about to cry? Really? I was going to cry over pancakes? Seriously? What was my problem?!

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