Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: 

The movie was phenomenal! I felt like a proud mom after the movie ended, the leading man went up with a microphone in hand and smiled. "Alright Everyone!" He smiled. He was handsome, but I couldn't get Logan off my mind I had been seated in the front, so who knows where they all were seated. "Let me introduce to you the cast and creators of the movie, whom made this all possible for me to be standing up here!" He said many of his co-stars names and many of my co-workers. Then he turned to look at me. "So, last but certainly not least, the beautiful brain behind this whole project, whom helped create the idea of this creation! Give up for Amy Skylar!" He announced as I stood up, the spot light hit me as I walked with the help of male celebrities up onto the stage in front of the screen. The leading man kissed my cheek and handed me his mic. I smiled and thanked him. I took a breath to speak as soon as I was going to speak, some people called out in the audience.

"Woo! Amy!" I knew who they were. Right up in a secluded box, were four boys standing and chanting my name. I rolled my eyes and waved.

"Thanks Big Time Rush, I know that was you. First and foremost, i want to thank God for giving me some patience and the life I've had now in the last six months! Anyway, thanks to the cast, crew, and director whom made this all possible! Y'all brought my ideas to life! I love you all and am so thankful I got to work with you over the last couple months. And thanks to the fans who made this one of the most anticipated movies of this year! I hope we didn't disappoint!" I waved and handed the mic back to the main actor.

Everyone eventually made it out of the theater to the club right next door for the after party which was being held by me and the fellow creators of the film. "Amy!" I heard Logan yell from across the room full of people. We had all made it into the club and had the party going, I almost thought for a second that I'd get away without seeing Logan. I was severely wrong. He made his way over to the table I sat alone at and sat across from me. "Hey hon!" He smiled leaning across the table and kissed my forehead.

"What the hell Logan?" I asked pulling back. I sat back in my chair now and crossed my arms across my chest. I blew a hair out of my face as Logan sat back down.

"Amy, can I ask you something?" He asked me. I shrugged. "Amy, what happened to us? You were like a sister to me. We were the best of friends. What happened to us?" I scoffed as if he hasn't known.

"Oh so now you care." I said grabbing my purse getting ready to stand up.

"No wait a second!" Logan exclaimed drawing eyes to us from all around the club. I sighed and put my purse down.

"What do you want Logan? You want me to tell you how I lost weight? I'm not that lost insecure Amy anymore my dear I don't just hand out my trust to just anyone anymore." I said squinting angrily at him. He threw up his hands.

"Amy, when had I ever betrayed your trust? What did I do that day to make you leave? I understand you didn't accept my teasing you, but if you remember you teased me too." He said.

"Logan, don't play this mind game with me again! It's not going to work! You lead me on, you teased me about the most sensitive subject to me at the time, and you made me think I had a damn chance to be with you, but you're the one who said I wasn't your type and that you and I couldn't ever be together in a million years!" I yelled at him. He shook his head

. "I never said that. I didn't want to ruin what we had! You were my best friend Amy! I wasn't going to say yes to dating you if I didn't even know how bad you liked me." He yelled back. I saw tears welling up in my eyes.

"Logan remember that one day I played you that song on your front porch that I said I wrote about a boy from school?" I said barely Audible. Logan sighed.

"It was about me?" He asked. I nodded and stood up, not caring if had anything left to say. I walked swiftly out of the club knowing he was following me. I kept my tears back as paparazzi snapped pictures of me. I smiled and moved on my way. I knew Logan would follow me, so I hurried into my car.

"Amy!! Wait up! Amy please!" I heard someone other than Logan. I turned to see James running after me. I stopped outside of my driver side door. I waited as he jogged smoothly over to me.

"Are you okay?" James asked. "I saw you run out after talking to Logan." He said finally standing on the opposite side of the ajar door of my car. He was close enough to see my tears now running down my cheeks. "Oh my God are you okay? Did Logan and you fight?" He asked putting a hand on the door.

"I'm fine James thanks." I said sitting down in the driver seat. James kept the door open and moved to crouch down next to me. I looked out the windshield and wiped my tears. All the emotions Logan made me feel before were coming back. I didn't know why but I felt like I was still into Logan even as he had made me feel insecure. James nodded and then spoke up.

"Well let me give you my number so we can talk if you ever need to Kay?" He asked I nodded and handed him my phone. He swiftly put in his number and handed me my phone back. "Be careful. Drive safe. Text me whenever okay? When you get home so I know you're okay." He smiled at me making me smile back.

"Thank you James." I shut the door and started the car. I drove leaving James in the parking lot across the street from the club, and driving back past the club. I saw Logan looking around and then he caught glimpse of me driving by. Good thing he wouldn't be able to follow me. That meant I could go home.

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