Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:  

"Tiffany!" I said in the speaker of my iPhone. She hasn't had the chance to say anything before I got out what I needed to say. "He's here. In my building. Tiffany!!!!" I almost yelled. She then sighed and shifted her phone.

"Amy, look, you can't avoid him for the rest of your life. I know what you're gonna say, you're not going to the premiere of the movie you helped create! You came up with the idea of this movie and you helped write the screen play, Amy, you can't avoid someone who lives in the same city and who is in the same business as you! You're going!" Tiffany exclaimed through my phone. I sighed.

"Tiff, you don't understand what he did to me. I just barely got back to being someone who enjoys getting out of bed in the morning before noon. He made me that girl who you met six months ago!" I told her.

"Amy, listen to me. Are you that girl anymore?"

"No." I whispered.

"Are you going to let someone like Logan Henderson walk all over you again?" I sighed.

"I guess not." I told her.

"Are you a strong, beautiful, independent, and successful woman?" She asked me. My confidence slowly came back to me after this talk with Tiffany which I think reminded me of who I became six months ago. I smiled to myself, and thanked Tiffany. "No problem girlie! Now go get ready, your limo should be there soon, and you will be strutting your stuff all night whether you see that bastard or not!" She said giggling. I hung up with her and hopped into the shower. I got out and put on my dress and blow dried my hair. I delicately straightened my hair, and put on my make up, dark and smokey almost like how it was earlier but a tad darker. I slipped my combat boots on over my short black socks and finished off my look with sparkly pink lip stain. I grabbed my bracelet which was a simple black braided cuff with 'Believe, Strong, You're Loved.' Engraved in the silver plate in the middle, that my parents had given me before I moved out to LA and before they passed away in a car accident.

* * * 

I arrived at the theater where I'd be watching the movie. I got on to the red carpet and smiled for all the cameras, when I got to the interviewer my publicist told me to talk to. "Hello everyone! We have the co-creator of the movie here, Amy Skylar! How are you doing tonight? I love your dress!" She said turning to look at me. I smiled and thanked her.

"I'm great tonight I'm so happy the movie is finally finished and that I finally get to share it with everyone!" I smiled. She nodded. Her black hair was piled on her head in curls.

"Are you excited to see anyone tonight? We know it's only your third time on a red carpet and we all know you only know the stars of the movie, so you must get starstruck by someone!" She smiled down at me holding the mic close to me. I looked around smiling when I saw who I hadn't wished to see. Four boys smiling and pointing at cameras and posing like pros. I sighed and looked away before anything could come over me and ruin my moment.

"Uh, I'm looking forward to seeing the stars of the cast actually, along with many new faces." I smiled.

"Anyone in particular?" She asked. I shrugged.

"Maybe if they show up, Taylor Lautner? Josh Hutcherson? Ya know, the heart throbs." I winked at the camera. The interviewer smiled and laughed and bid me goodbye as I hurried down the red carpet eager to get into the theater. I get into the woman's restroom and took a deep breath. I looked at my face in the mirror and see a beautiful girl. Why am I caught up over this guy anyway? I'm worth something even if he didn't make me feel like I was. I smiled and took out my phone out of my black studded clutch and tweeted to my followers. I never really knew what to say to them before but I did now.

"Hey ladies! You're beautiful no matter what any guy says! Keep your chin up high and your standards higher!" I sent the tweet out and immediately saw girls retweeting me. I smiled and put my phone back into my purse and walked out of the restroom when I ran into a tall figure. "Oh! I'm sorry!" I said taking a step back, to see the same tall blonde guy. "Oh hey Kendall right?" I smiled up at him. He had his hand on my arm from when I ran into him. He smiled.

"Yeah! And you're Amy!" He smiled. I nodded and giggled. He was quite cute, Logan had great taste in friends. Always have.

"Amy?" That voice....

"Hello Logan." I said without looking away from Kendall.

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