Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:  

I arrived to my apartment building when I see Logan and Kendall already getting into the building as I pull up. How the hell? I left when Logan was still on the sidewalk. I pulled out my phone and looked for James's number. I finally found it and chose to text him. 'Hey, it's Amy. I'm back at my apartment building but Logan and Kendall barely went in so I'll give them some time to get up to Kendall's apartment. :) thanks for being so nice to be before!' I sent it and put my phone back into my bag. I slowly got out of my car and walked into the lobby. I opened the doors to see the two faces I dreaded seeing the most.

"Amy, you really think we didn't see you pull up?" Logan asked leaning against the wall by the elevator. I sighed and walked over to him. I pushed the up button and ignored him. Kendall was standing in front of Logan at a loss for words and just shrugged when I looked up at him.

"Well, looks like I'm the dumb one aren't I?" I whispered to Logan.

I stared up at the lights trying to figure where the elevator was. "Amy, look, I want to talk, without you crying or running off. I want it to be just you and I. Okay?" Logan whispered touching the small of my back. I moved away from him and looked him in the eye. I felt suddenly like I was back to six months ago. I was standing lonely in the arms of whom used to be my best friend.

"Logan..." I started but he shook his head.

"Amy, you don't know me. I've changed. I see you've changed as well. Please know I'm different. Ever since Presley has been more involved in my life, I realized I was a jackass. Please let me talk to you alone. Please." Logan begged. Presley, his little sister? He usually went home once a year, does that mean he visits her more and realizes what he's done to me? And that he shouldn't do that her too? I decided it couldn't hurt.

"You can come in for five minutes. After that you're gone." I whispered. We rode up to the fifth floor when Kendall got out.

"I'll leave the door unlocked dude." Kendall said without turning around. As soon as the doors to the elevator shut Logan was hugging me. It wasn't a hug out of pity, it was an upset and hurt hug.

"Amy I'm so sorry. Please believe me! You are the one person in the whole world I wish I hadn't been a douchebag to. I lost so many people back then. You being the one I regretted the most." He whispered to me. My eyes had closed enjoying this hug I had missed for those lost, lonely months.

"Logan.....?" I hesitated. He pulled away enough for his face to be inches from mine.

"Yes?" He questioned. I let out my breath and decided to be my new confident self. Before I knew what I was thinking my lips had found his and weren't being told to stop. I continued to kiss Logan for as long as he'd let me. I then decided to not push my luck and let my lips stop. Logan continued to kiss me a little longer after my decision to stop occurred.

"What does that mean?" He asked. I opened my eyes finally and saw he was blushing. I giggled and pulled out of his arms. I walked out of the elevator with Logan at my heels. I dug in my bag for my keys and opened my door. I couldn't look at Logan again just yet. I took a breath to calm my now adrenaline pumping heart. Flipping on the lights, I walked in enough for Logan to walk in and for me to close the door. "Nice place Am." Logan said taking a look around.

"Thanks Logan." I set my purse down.

"Amy can we talk now, this is killing me." Logan said looking at me pleading with his gorgeous chocolate brown eyes. I lead him into the small living room and gestured for the couch.

"Do you want anything? Something to eat? Or drink?" I asked. He shook his head no as I went to get myself a water. I opened it as I went to sit down on the chair opposite the couch.

"Why'd you kiss me?" Logan blurted out. A tinge of an uncomfortable feeling started in my stomach.

"Why shouldn't I have?" I asked. I took a swig of my water and set it on the coffee table.

"I was just wondering if there was a reason to your madness my dear." Logan explained. I played with the hem of my dress.

"You didn't exactly object to that so called madness darling." I said sarcastically leaning back in the chair and crossing my arms and legs. Logan smirked and nodded leaning back on the couch now too.

"Well I didn't mean I didn't enjoy it just as much as you probably did." He smiled at me. That smile, God what it does to me.

"Logan?" I asked. He waited quietly. "Wanna know why I kissed you? After I left your house I became depressed and drank like no body's business. I'm only twenty years old, and I got older guys to get me into bars and buy me drinks. That's how I met my best friend Tiffany. She saw what I was doing to myself every weekend and she decided enough was enough. She took me into her own hands and saved me. She basically took your spot. Tiffany saved me..... From myself.... Because you weren't there."

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