Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:  

It was long while till Logan started to talk again. "You wanna know what happened to me when you were out of my life?" I didn't know if it was rhetorical question or not, but I didn't answer I sat quietly watching the man whom I had been so infatuated with.

"Amy, when you left that house, my world fell apart. I started being a total jerk to the guys, my family, and everyone important to me. I know I used to tease you and that made me seem like a Jerk, but you were what kept me normal! I finally had to change when I realized you meant you weren't coming back to me anytime soon. I tried calling, texting, driving to your place, and your old job at Starbucks. No one knew where you were. I suspected the worse. I thought maybe you moved away, or possibly....." he stopped talking and leaned his elbows on his knees and put his head in his hands for a minute or two before looking up at me with disgust on his face. I didn't know if it was towards himself or me. "...killed yourself. I couldn't take it. I started Drinking, taking pain Pills, and even tried taking girls home with me, but i couldn't do it. wanna know why?" logan asked. I nodded slowly taking it all in. He got up off my couch and sat on the coffee table in front of me. I braced myself for the imaginable.

"Amy, I was in love with you. I dream about you every damn night. I wanted to kick my own ass so many times just for being a douche to you. Amy, I thought you'd never love me if you were with me. I know you told me your feelings back then, but you don't know how much I wanted you. I was scared honestly. I knew you as my little sister, I was afraid that if you and I dated you'd want someone better. I'm not the best person out there to be with." He said staring me in the eyes as I took short choppy breaths. I couldn't stop my tears. They burned down my cheeks as his hand touched my knee. I braced myself once more for what he was going to say next.

"Amy I got so bad, Nickelodeon threatened to kick me out of BTR because I was in magazines as the party boy of LA and they thought I was a bad influence to the kids. That's when my parents got into everything and straightened me out with the help of Kendall. He's my version of Tiffany." Logan whispered. "Then I saw you in magazines for writing songs for Katy Perry, The Jonas Brothers and Rihanna. Then I saw the article about you saying you lost weight so you could feel confident and to know I did that to you tore me up inside. Kendall once again had to save me." I felt my breath not even coming anymore. I started hysterically crying. Logan's arms soon were around me as I cried for what seemed like hours. As soon as I caught my breath, Logan kissed me. His lips were smooth and calm. This kiss was sweet and apologetic, the best kiss I had ever had. My tears ran down to my jaw line were Logan's hands pushed them away. He soon pulled away and stood up his hands behind his head as he paced my living room. I touched my lips and leaned back into the chair again. I closed my eyes for a second but soon opened them again as Logan was back in front of me.

"How do you feel knowing all of this now?" Logan whispered. I leaned forward about to kiss his lips, but instead kissed his forehead. After he closed his eyes I leaned my forehead on his and spoke to him whispering.

"Logan you were the best and worst thing to happen to me. But if I looked back, I am who I am now because of you. And I have to say the good out weigh the bad." I whispered as his lips found mine again.

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