Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: 

A month. It's been a month. Logan's made me see therapists. He's made me eat and go to the gym with him. He's made me do everything to try to get me to eat without letting it all go later. Every night, I cried myself to sleep. I was miserable. Everything was fine and amazing when I was with BTR, Tiff, at work, or with Logan, but it really hit me when I was alone. The feeling of being alone. No one would understand. I couldn't let myself be happy it felt like. All I would do is cry, whine, and fake a smile when in front of people. Logan always knew I was faking it. He always knew I was not fully happy. Today though was different. I wasn't faking today. I was letting it all out in front of the guys. It was now five in the morning, we pulled up to the gym, the only one out of us pumped up was James.

"Lets do this gentlemen and lady!" He smiled down at me. He was alright with Logan now, and he was actually a great friend. I showed a smile for half a second then frowned up at him. He tried to ignore it and walked into the building. I had Logan on my right, holding my hand, and Kendall now made his way to my left.

"I'm not big on working out either." Kendall explained. "The guys bring me along to make them feel better about themselves." He finished. I scoffed at what he said.

"Oh my God no they don't! Don't say that!" I told him. Logan hasn't heard what we were saying because he was on the phone with his mom in Texas.

"Yes, okay. Yes mom. I know. I love you too. Tell dad and Presley I love them too! Alright, bye." He said hanging up the phone. He slipped it back in his pocket as we entered the gym, where James and Carlos were getting pumped up with Alec, their trainer. I say down on a bench as Kendall sat next to me. We were some what matching, black pants, white tank top, and sneakers. I leaned back and closed my eyes.

"This is not okay! It's too early!!" I yelled dramatically, as I felt someone throw something at me that landed in my lap. James had throw a jump rope in my lap, I glared at him as he smiled.

"Don't be a poop, Am!" James yelled. I threw it back at him and cursed under my breath. "I'm sorry, what was that?" James yelled looking at me not smiling.

"Oh great." Kendall said next to me.

"What?" I asked. I turned to look at him he laughed humorlessly.

"You insulted James in a gym, that's his domain and he will challenge you, even if you are Amy, a girl, and we all love you. He will try to beat you." He informed moving over a bit. James then came up next to me in his blue tank top, and dark blue sweats, putting his leg up on the bench between Kendall and I whole leaning on his knee.

"Little miss, you called me a name? What was that for? It was very unnecessary." He snickered in my face. He was really starting to piss me off now. He was being a little too cocky.

"James cool it!" Kendall said defending me. The others must've heard because they started to watch. Logan had a pissed look on his face and slowly made his way to my left.

"Babe, don't insult James in the gym. It's his rules here." Logan said. I laughed in James's face, shocking him.

"Amy, seriously, you need to stop." Carlos said walking in front of Kendall.

"Hell no." I said breathing on James's face. He got even more angry and walked away. He later jumped on the treadmill and started running really fast.

"Babe." Logan said as I got off the bench and inspected where James's cord to the treadmill was plugged in. I finally found it and walked over to the wall where it was supplied with energy. I simply pulled the plug and tossed it aside. "Amy..." Logan hissed at me. James came to a stop an had his hands on either side of the handles on his treadmill.

"No, you didn't just do that!" James yelled. He then pointed to the mat where I've seen the guys box, wrestle or even use the punching bag. "It's on little miss." James said staring at me angry. I don't know where this came from, but James was calling me out. And he didn't care he was a male twice my size.

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