Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:  

"Babe?" I heard Logan ask. I had asked for him to move after i ate a whole pancake so I could go to the restroom. That must've been almost ten to fifteen minutes ago. I got up off the ground from in front of the toilet and flushed. I cleared the tears from under my eyes and walked out of the handicapped stall to see Logan with the woman's restroom door opened slightly. He looked me up and down and walked straight in.

"No. No, no, no." He started to say. He had tears well up in his own eyes making me do the exact same. I started to cry harder and lean my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and buried his face in my hair. "Amy...." Was all he choked out.

"I'm fine. I'm okay." I said pulling myself together. I stood up straight and turned to look at myself in the mirror. I turned the sink on and filled my hands with water like I always do. I spit out the water and look up at Logan. He looks at me as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Since when?" Logan mumbled. I took another hand full of water and spit it out.

"Uh, two and a half years now." I barely said before filling my hands again.

"Oh my GOD!" Logan said putting his hands on his head. He closed his eyes and then suddenly punched the tiled cafe restroom wall, he did this multiple times till his fist was bright red. I jumped and moved a safe distance away while I let him take out his anger. He's the only one who knows this about me. I keep this from Tiffany and from my coworkers. He only found out because he walked in on it happening. Logan now had his elbows on the sink with his hands intertwined around his neck. "Why? Why Amy? Why do this to yourself?" He asked muffled by the angle of his head.

"I have to." I whispered.

"No, no, no. No you don't babygirl." He said straightening up as he looks at me from across the counter. His eyes were red, but he didn't let tears fall.

"I have to." I said again.

"No!" Logan yelled slamming his hand on the sink. I jumped again. "Babe, just tell me this, was this because of me?" I bit my lip as I again started to cry. I never wanted him to find out, even if he and I never spoke again, but since last night took a turn for the unexpected I didn't know what to expect this morning.

"I wanted you to love me." I whispered, but I don't think he heard.

"Come on." Logan cooed to me. He took me into his arms and walked us out of the restroom and into the restaurant which now was becoming more lively as the morning became late morning. Logan stopped by our table as he took out his wallet and threw two twenties down on the table and we left. Logan had my bag in hand and opened my door and helped me into the car. I didn't know where we were going but I knew it wasn't going to be fun. Logan then got in and looked in my bag for my phone. I watched as he got to the contacts and found one he must've liked. He was calling someone.

"Hello? Hi this is Logan. I'm with Amy right now. We really need to talk. Okay, yeah she's fine. Ill explain later. What's your address? Thanks." He then hung up and handed me the phone and rested his hand on my leg. "You'll be okay babygirl. I promise." We drove for maybe twenty minute when I knew where he was going.

"Logan! No! You're not telling Tiffany! No!" I pushed his hand off my and sat up straight. He shook his head staring forward.

"Babe I don't know what to do! Amy I'm a guy! I don't know how girls brains work! We've both changed so I don't know you like the back of my hand anymore!" He said looking worried. I sighed and leaned my head on the passenger seat window. I started to cry, and Logan's hand rested on my leg again, but I soon shoved it off.

"Don't touch me!" I warned him.

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