Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:  

I was out and about at six o'clock so that the doctors wouldn't see that I was there all night long. I had kissed Logan goodbye as he slept. I left him a note on a sticky note from my purse on his forehead, hopefully hard to miss. I was walking around the little stores around the hospital as bought a dress to change into. It was black and lace, with a black slip underneath. It was cute, and made me look curvy but not chunky, which is good. I had my snickers and work out clothes in the bag I got for the dress. I had to buy shoes to go with the dress of course. I bought a new pair of combat boots which had studs on the heel and toe. I cleaned up in the stores bathroom as the girl behind the counter asked my why I looked like a trainwreck. She had testing curling irons and makeup samples for me to use which I thanked her for. I had to say I looked pretty good.

"Thank you again!" I said waving as I left the store with my new dress and look. I walked back to the hospital and was stopped before I could get to Logan's room

. "Excuse me ma'am. Your boyfriend is in surgery." The woman behind the counter told me. I raised my eyebrows.

"How? I thought he didn't have surgery till late afternoon?" I asked leaning against the counter. She tilted her computer screen and showed me the time. Noon. How could I have taken six hours walking around? I left Logan when he needed me. I felt horrible and thanked the woman. I sat in the waiting room on my phone. I got a text from Tiffany. 'Hello miss Amy! How'd Logan feel this morning?' She asked me. I told her how I left to walk around a little and how time got away from me. She volunteered to come sit with me or take me out but I declined. 'Girl you need to get out! I know you think you did this morning. But that's not getting out.' She replied back to me. I snickered and told her I'd talk to her later. 'Alright, let me know how everything goes!' I locked my phone and set it in my purse on the chair next to me where I set my clothes from the day before.

Five hours later, at four in afternoon the woman behind the desk got up after a phone call I think was about Logan. "Miss?" She said standing in front of me. I looked up from my little comfy spot I had made since I was the only one in the waiting room. I sat up then stood.

"Yes?" I asked. She smiled sweetly at me.

"Your boyfriend got out of surgery three hours ago, he's been resting and continuously asking for you. You're Amy correct?" She asked. I smiled and nodded. She led me back to Logan's room and I saw a boy bandaged around his head I giggled at his grin.

"Baby!!!!" He chuckled after greeting me. He obviously was on medication because he started laughing uncontrollably.

"Hey hon." He said as I sat down next to him. I giggled touching his forehead where the bandage touched as well.

"How do you feel?" I asked. He giggled like how I usually would.

"Good, baby, good." He spoke like a stoner which made me giggle then he started again. We kept laughing when I noticed he stopped and looked a little more sober.

"Hey, I have a question." He told me. I nodded as he took my hands in his playing with my fingers. "So did you mean it when you said you loved me?" He asked. I smiled.

"Of course."I giggled.

"Good because I'm in love with you."

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