Chapter 16

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Chapter 16:

"Are you okay?" Logan asked me as I say on the edge of his hospital bed. I laughed breathless. "I'm not the one with a fractured skull." I said. "You still could be shaken up. I know if it had been you wrestling James and if you were in this bed James would be on his way to the morgue right now, and I'm way less angry than you." He smiled his famous dimpled smile. I shrugged taking both his hands in each of mine. "Yeah... He got a talking to babe. I don't think he likes me very much now." I smiled at Logan. He chuckled and reached his hand back to scratch his head. I grabbed his arm, "NO!" He looked at me with an odd expression and squinted his eyes in wondering.

"I can't scratch my head either?" He asked confused. I shook my and shrugged. "Just to be safe hon." I told him. We talked for awhile till Kendall knocked on the door and led in the other three of our group. Tiffany stood in a corner as I came to join her letting the man whom was the fuel to my hatred visit with Logan. "Are you okay?" Tiffany whispered to me. I turned away from looking at Logan and looked at her. She had worry in my eyes. I nodded. "Okay, well I think you should live with Logan." She blurted out. I raised my eyebrows. "What?!" I asked. She shrugged and smiled at Logan and his friends talking.

"You are good for him. You take care of him, defend him even to his friends." She said. I giggled and wondered what she thought about sometimes. "And him," she looked at me again. "He brings out the good in you. I haven't seen you in a month till today, which for us is good, because we used to see each other every day and you don't need me as much, and if that means sharing you with Logan, then I'm okay with it." She smiled. I hugged her as she reached out her arms. "He mentioned asking you to move in with him to me two weeks ago." I scoffed. "When do you two talk?!" I asked her. She giggled. "Since he was worried about you." She told me smiling.

We spent a couple hours sitting around, Tiffany and i had went to a fast food place down the street, picked up everyone food and brought it back. Logan was grateful he didn't have to eat the hospital food they brought him. James being pretty quiet the whole time. Everyone decided to leave aside from me around eight thirty. "Do you want me to drive you home?" Kendall asked. I shook my head as he nodded. "Night guys." He smiled and left. I say back on the edge of Logan's bed and smiled. He looked really tired again so I reached for his cheek again. "It's okay to sleep Logie." I smiled weakly. He nodded and leaned back. "I'll be back tomorrow morning before they take you in for surgery." I told him hopefully I'd catch Kendall before he left. I started to hop off the bed when a hand grabbed mine. "Amy stay with me." He whispered looking up at me with tired eyes. I didn't know the rules at this hospital but I'm sure if you're over eighteen that you aren't suppose to have overnight visitors. "Okay." I smiled. Logan scooted over letting me have half of the bed. I curled up on my side as Logan reached up and turned the light off above us. "Amy?" Logan whispered as I almost fell asleep.

"Hmmm?" I answered. He waited a minute before saying anything more. "I was wondering if you wanted to move in with me?" He asked quietly. "How do you know we'll last?" I asked. He chuckled. "If you wanted to leave me, I was hoping by now you'd have already done it." He laughed. His arm was around me as I cuddled my face in his chest. "I thought you'd be the one who would end this." I said quietly. "Never." He said back. "Then yes." I said back. We laid in happy silence, and once again once I was about asleep, Logan said my name again. "Yes Logie?" I asked. "I love you."he said barely audible as you could tell he was tired. Then he fell asleep. "I love you too Logan."

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