Chapter 19: the Final chapter

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Chapter 19:

"His name will be Dallas Logan Henderson." Logan said with a smile. The nurse smiled back and typed quickly then left the room.

*Fast forward three years*

Logan and I are having our first huge fight. I don't know exactly what I did or what he did, but we both did something. We had yelling and screaming for hours as Dallas, now three, our daughter Zoey Joy, now one, were upstairs probably hearing it all. For some reason we let it go. That spark we had felt as if it were gone. My life seemed to be taking a trip down memory lane and I couldn't take possibly losing Logan again. I decided to go somewhere. Make Logan take care of the kids. I grabbed my purse and left. I didn't know where I was going, but I didn't care. I didn't take a car, I walked, which in LA this late at night probably wasn't the best. I walked maybe fifteen minutes before I saw a bar ahead. I was never one to go into bars, but I needed something to take my mind off Logan. Knowing I was pregnant again, I knew I'd just get a water nothing more. I walked in to see three familiar faces. Kendall, James, and Carlos all had a beer in front of them, Carlos being the one the most drunk shrieked as he saw me approach.

"Oh my gosh! Amy! Amy Henderson! You're here! Wazzzaaaaaaa?!?!?!" He yelled hugging me. I giggled and moved to Kendall. I really needed a friend.

"Kendall I need to talk." I told him, not meaning to look as upset as I probably did. He nodded and gestured for the seat next to him at the high chaired table. James however had his sights set on a girl who looked a little too drunk to walk.

"I'm pregnant." I blurted out to Kendall, whom almost spit out his gulp of beer.

"What are you doing here then?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Logan doesnt know. Logan and I were cussing each other out, I don't even remember over what. But it got nasty so I walked out and left him with Dallas and Zoey." I explained. We talked for awhile just Kendall and I, when we heard wrestling on the other side of the bar, two guys had gotten into it, and just then I realized who it was. James and a bigger older man. Kendall told me to leave so that I wouldn't get hurt or lose the baby if I got hit wrong. I did as told.

"You just need to talk, not yell, not scream. You need to hear each other out kid. And you need to tell him about the third little angel!" Kendall winked as he started towards the madness. I walked out of the bar and into the parking lot. I walked by James's car, when I saw a girl sitting passed out in his passenger seat. Really James? Be THAT guy?

I got back home at a quarter past midnight. I had six missed calls from Logan. I set my phone down on the kitchen table along with my purse and my pride. I walked upstairs to Logan and mines bedroom where the door was ajar just enough for me to walk in without moving the door. Logan was on his knees on the ground, with his elbows on the bed with his back towards me. I stayed in one place by the door not moving.

"Dear God help me. I'm losing my faith in this relationship. I don't know what to do. I think she's getting tired of me. I need some guidance. Lord please help me. I love her more than I love my own life. I don't want to break her again, but if it's better for her, then I'll be the one to end this. Please help me." He whispered his voice cracking more than once. Tears fell as I had to gasp for air. Logan jerked around and hoped up on his feet. "Babe, look at me." He said walking towards me. " I love you. I don't want to lose you! You mean more to me than air!" He said full on crying now. He held my head in his hands.

"I'm pregnant." I told Logan. His eyes got big and full of worry. I closed mine knowing I should've told him at a better time.

"Another baby in the house? I could get used to that." Logan said as I opened my eyes to see a smile coming across his face. He kissed me as we embraced. That night we got our spark back. The love we had was now RECREATED.

*Fast forward 20 years*

"Dad I'm getting married today." Zoey said as she smiled at Logan. I was in my dress which was a dark royal blue which matched Logan's dark blue button down under his suit. Zoey had grown into a beautiful woman. Her long brown hair had been done by me, curled and piled on her head under her veil. She wore my bracelet my parents had given me as her something old and borrowed. Her necklace around her thin neck was a gift from Logan to her this morning as her something new. Her gown was a long a-line gown, with a fitted top that ended at her waist and flowed into a Cinderella type look. Zoeys eyes, somehow turned out to be like mine, a beautiful green, which I said she got from her uncle Kendall but she'd always disagree and say mine were hers. Logan, the man I loved, stood before her, his late forties still handsome as ever. It was time for me to have my walk alone down the isle, and wait in the first row for Logan to drop our daughter off into her new life.

"Alright well I guess I should get going!" I said standing up from the chair I had been sitting in. I made my way to Logan and grabbed his hand.

"You made a beautiful girl babe." He said into my ear kissing my cheek. I giggled like when I was younger and kissed our daughter one last time before she became a mans wife. I hurried out to stand next to Dallas and his girlfriend, and Houston, our other son whom was a year younger than Zoey. Soon the music began and we all turned to look at the bridesmaids and grooms men. Then I saw him. Logan smiling his dimpled smile which had drove me crazy all these years. Zoey had her veil over her face and looked as stunning as ever. They got to the pastor and Logan kissed Zoey goodbye and warned the man she was marrying that he'd injure him if he mistreated her once. He made his way over to me. His dark hair sprinkled with white in all the right areas to give him that matured sexy look. He came over and kissed me directly on the mouth. Yep, our love was recreated.

*fast forward thirty years*

Logan and I had moved since Zoeys wedding to Texas. We were now well into our seventies. We sat in our swing on our front porch as the autumn breeze cooled my skin. His hand rested in mine as he'd hum old songs of love to me. I closed my eyes and blissfully sat in waiting for death to come upon me that night. Logan however lived ten more years. He would visit me often in the local graveyard. He'd sing to me and he'd make me feel like that twenty year old girl again. I waited upon God's door steps for ten short years waiting at Heavens gates before I let myself in. On the night of Logan's death, our children, grandchildren, and his friends James and Carlos say around sharing stories making the old withered man chuckle. Kendall and I too were there in spirit.Kendall had passed away soon after me making it super hard on Logan, but we'd both come to visit him often. He'd see every once in awhile and speak to me. Our family thought he was crazy, but never dared speak it. We had conversations late at night. I'd sit on the edge of his bed and smile.

"You look like the day I got to call you mine." He whispered. I looked down at myself and saw a wrinkled old woman figure.

"How so darling?" I asked. He coughed a moment before speaking.

"You never aged to me. You always stayed young. You were always recreated." He spoke as he slowly fell into deaths sweet embrace and back into my world.

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