Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:  

"Babe, come on. Tiffany is just going to help you!" Logan said as I sat in his car.

"You didn't even try to 'help' me yourself!" I yelled at him and used air quotes on the word 'help'. We were parked in Tiffany's driveway, but her car wasn't home, he didn't know that though.

"Fine!" Logan exclaimed and climbed back in his car and drove us down a familiar street.

"Where are we going?" I asked. He pulled into a driveway I've seen one too many times. We were in his driveway. The steps where my world came tumbling down. The white door where I left the love of my life since I thought he wasn't into me. Shivers ran up my back. I turned to see Logan shutting his door. I reached for the door handle when the door opened from the outside. Logan stood there angry, but I knew he wouldn't stay mad for long. Climbing out of the door I suddenly got the urge again, but I knew I couldn't. Not at his house anyway. We walked silently up to his door and went inside after he fumbled with opening it. The same old interior design, nothing had changed the half a year I was gone.

Logan slammed the door, then basically attacked me with his lips. The heated make out session caused me some confusion, but I didn't want to question Logan's motive in case that infuriated him even more. We had made our way to Logan's living room couch and had ended up lying down on it as well. I stopped to take a breath when Logan continued on my neck.

"Uh, Logie, I thought you were angry?" I whispered kissing his cheek. He pulled away for my neck and began on my lips again. What was happening? How was this helping me with my problem? Again, I wasn't going to question Logan. He finally pulled away and stood up and walked away. What the-? What was going on?

"Logan?" I asked. I straightened myself out and stood up. I walked the familiar route back to where I saw Logan's shoes he had been wearing in the doorway of his bedroom. I slowly walked closer to see Logan digging in his bed side table for something. I had seen enough movies to know what a twenty some year old guy would be looking for in his night stand when he brings a girl home.

"Logan... No... I'm," I stopped when he pulled out a magazine. He stood up straight and looked me in the eyes.

"Come here. I want to show you something." He told me sitting on the edge of his bed. I guess I was wrong, I walked over and sat next to him. He delicately opened a familiar looking magazine and opened to the column where they talked about my drastic weight loss.

"Amy, see this girl here?" Logan asked pointing to me when I was sixty pounds heavier. I nodded as he looked up at me threw his eyelashes. "This girl here is who I had been in love with since I was twenty and she was seventeen." He whispered to me watching me intently. He then pointed to me at my current weight now. "See this one?" He asked, I nodded again playing along with his game. "This is the same girl, but stronger in the mind in the area of emotional strength, however she's lacking in physical and psychological strength which in the end sets her apart from most girls who are half as beautiful as her." He says staring at me as I look up at him. I smile weakly knowing most of this is smoke being blown to get me to stop. He then takes the magazine and opens to the back cover, where many little article clippings fall out.

"This one," Logan starts and picks out one from when I was heavy and when I had barely agreed to help with the production of the movie I helped write. "is my favorite." He says. He unfolds the corners that have been crumpled. "It's my favorite because look at your eyes in this one." I do as I'm told and I look in my eyes on the paper clipping. "I see a girl who is sad, but no matter what she pushes through what she has going on in order to make everyone believe she's fine." Logan whispers close to my ear. "She's someone whom will let everyone know she's okay even if she's broken inside." Logan says his breath on my cheek. I clear my throat and readjust my position on the bed where I'm facing Logan instead of sitting next to him. "What do you see?" He asked me.

I shrug because I don't see much. I don't see a girl who is everything he says. I see a sad, lonely girl who is smiling, only because the camera is near by. Logan sighs. He pulls many other of my articles out, and says great things about me, but I just can't see any of them. We soon give up for today in my confidence boosting. Logan orders pizza for lunch and I'm asleep before the pizza gets there, thank God.

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