Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:  

I sleep for what seems like years. I can imagine why I'm so tired, Tiffany kept me up most the night! Before I let myself be fully awaken, I slowly opened one of my eyes. I could multiple bodies moving around in the kitchen from where I had been laid. I could see a huge comforter laid across my body and a pillow under my head. Logan must've put then there and made me lay down on his couch.

"Logan you didn't want anything to do with her before! Why do you want her now?" James said angry. I laid my head back down and closed my eyes before they could notice I was awake and hearing what they were saying.

"When did I ever say that man?" Logan almost yelled back at him. I then heard someone hush him.

"Guys, you both are under the impression she wants you." Kendall said. "But in all honesty I think you both should calm down. I know Amy isn't one, but bros before hoes!" Kendall explained. I giggled at the expression mainly due to the fact he said I wasn't one which was a compliment right?

"Kendall, you know how I feel about Amy. She is mine. She wants me. James is just upset because his hurt ego can't take rejection!" Logan hissed. Really? Fighting over me? Really? How dumb. I sat up on the couch and pulled the comforter up to my neck and waited.

"James was there for her when you weren't." Carlos spoke up in honor of his tall friend.

"Maybe as a, oh I don't know, friend?" Logan fought back. There was silence then a rustling of boys broke out. James had slid across the counter to get at Logan. My breath caught in my chest as I say the two brunettes going after each other. I stood up quickly when I see James beating Logan to a pulp. What the hell? I run over to the door way of the kitchen only to have Kendall and Carlos look at me in shock.

"Uh...." Kendall said looking at me and then at Carlos as if asking what to do.

"STOP THEM!" I shrieked, which in itself stopped James and made him look up at me from my feet.

"Amy..." James said hopping off Logan's chest and standing and walking over to me. I took a step to the side and helped Logan who was bruising now, up and look at the rest of the band. "

Really? That's what guys do when you disagree?" I asked. I sat Logan on a bar stool and walked over to the fridge. Luckily he has a ice pack. I wrapped a towel which hung on the stove around it and held it to the back of his head where it had hit the tiled floor. "I think y'all should leave." I whispered looking into Logan's eyes.

"Yeah, I think you should." Logan agreed. Carlos and James were the first to walk out and Kendall stayed behind a moment.

"Sorry I didn't stop him man." Kendall said patting Logan on the back, before leaving the kitchen. I then followed him over to the front door.

"Kendall wait!" I said. He turned around to look down at me.

"Thank you, for helping Logan when I wasn't a part of his life." I barely could get the words out.

"No problem." Kendall smiled at me looking into my eyes with his beautiful green one. I sighed letting him leave shutting the door behind him, and went back to Logan who was wincing at touching his busted lip.

"Let me clean it. Don't touch anything." I said touching his knee as I passed him to look under the sink in his kitchen. I grabbed a first aid kit and set it up at the bar and grabbed an alcohol wipe. "This may burn." I say pressing the wipe to this eyebrow where he was cut, and my hand was jerked away almost instantly.

"Ow!" Logan yelled. I giggled.

"Wanna explain what that was about?" I asked him put bandages on his wound.

"James called dibs on you. But I had said no, and he didn't like that as you can see." He told me staring into my eyes. I sighed.

"I wasn't ever into the handsome guys anyway." I told him. Logan gave me a weird look and chuckled.

"What does that make me then? Ugly?" He asked almost offended but tried to leave it off as a joke. I put my hands around his neck and brought his forehead to mine, being careful of the cut on his eyebrow.

"You are perfect." I whispered pressing my lips to his.

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