Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:  

"Oh my God, how are you?! I haven't seen you since you stormed out of my house!" Logan said as he walked towards me. He came in for a hug which I did not return. Kendall watched us for a minute then spoke up.

"Uh, you two know each other?" Kendall asked. Logan let me go looking a bit confused on why I didn't react to his hug. I nodded to Kendall.

"Kendall, remember that girl I knew back when we were still recording 'Elevate'? This is Amy Skylar. She was my best friend." Logan said looking a bit upset at the last sentence he said. His hair had changed and his jaw and arms were more defined his white button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up. "You look amazing Amy. I saw in a magazine once that you lost what fifty or sixty pounds?" Logan asked. Kendall gave him a warning look.

"Ha, yeah I did. I got in shape once you were out of my life." I smiled angrily. I was fuming inside but happy on the outside. Logan gave me a look of shock from what I said.

"Logan don't ask a girl about her weight." Kendall whispered.

"Oh don't worry about it Kendall. He never minded mentioning my weight before, so why would he care now? I'm used to it hon." I smiled at Logan crossing my arms across my chest. Logan looked awkward all of a sudden.

"Amy..." He started but came to a loss of words. I rolled my eyes and pushed past him.

"Enjoy the movie Kendall. Ya know I helped make it." I said turning smiling at him as I continued to walk. Again I bumped into another person. "God damn it, I'm sorry, I keep bumping into people." I say looking up at the mans back I had ran into. A tall gorgeous looking man turned around and flashed an 1000 watt smile at me.

"It's all good. No harm done." He smiled.

"James stop flirting with Logan's friend!" A short Latino said from behind me whom was standing next to Kendall and Logan. Logan looked upset, which now he knows how I spent most of my life as his friend. Logan had always teased me about my weight, and even when I told him how I felt he made me feel invisible. I don't know what made him think it was okay, I understood we were best friends before but you never tease a girl about her weight, it's just common sense.

"Oh shut up Carlos!" James yelled back at whom I understood was Carlos. "Sorry, Carlos thinks every time he sees me speaking to a girl I'm asking for her number, which I'm not." James smiled down at me. He was quite tall, and had an amazing color of hazel eyes. I nodded and giggle.

"I'm James." He said sticking out his hand to me. I took it and shook it noticing how gentle his grip was with me.

"I'm Amy." I smiled up at him. He took my hand and kissed the back of it.

"Any friend of Logan's is a friend of mine." He whispered smiling leaning close to my face.

"James, seriously back off!" I heard Logan say. I liked what I was seeing in James. He seemed sweet and he was gorgeous. But somehow I knew he knew he was gorgeous and he used it to get girls. He had to.

"Well it was nice meeting you all." I said walking away drifting farther away from James and eventually letting go of his hand. I looked back in the direction of the boy whom once ruined my life and I saw a slight bit of awe cross his face. I smirked and blew a kiss to Kendall and then one to James.

"Bye Kendall! Bye James!" I said walking into the seated area. I couldn't believe how much confidence I had just seen come out of me. I sat down in my seat and let out a huge breath of air. Oh my God, Logan was gorgeous. I knew I had thought James and Kendall were, but Logan, oh dear Lord help me now!

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