Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: 

"You've got to be kidding me James!" Logan yelled. I was forced into wrestling James. I was on the mat and quite frankly I felt like I was being held there against my will. James was getting pumped up. Kendall and Carlos were trying to compromise with him. Logan and I were at the other side of the mat, and Logan was freaking out. "This is pathetic. He wants to wrestle a girl because she threatened his manhood! Alec!" Logan said as Alec came over.

"Logan I've tried getting him to give up on this stupid idea. He's not budging. I say you," Alex looked at me now. "Just let him pin you first time. He won't know the difference if you try or not." He said walking away.

"Logan... I'm scared." I whispered as I see James hitting the heavy bag like a mad man.

"James!" Logan spoke up. "Wrestle me. Not Amy. She's a girl! You could seriously hurt her!" Logan said letting go of me but stepping between me and James. I gasped.

"No! He hurt you last time he was angry." I said to Logan. He shrugged looking back at me.

"I'll survive, you might not." I sighed as Alec had James and Logan stand on the squares I sat down and was soon joined by Kendall next to me. Carlos disappeared suddenly but a song soon came on over the gym speakers louder than the other had been playing. It was 'Eye of the Tiger', we soon see Carlos coming back with a huge smile from ear to ear. Kendall chuckles.

"Seriously dude? We got us some Rocky up in here!" Kendall says laughing. Carlos gave him a high five then sat on the other side of me.

"Just to lighten your mood Amy." Carlos smiled at me. I shrugged and hugged my knees up to my chin. Alec was informing the guys the rules. James had his game face on and I don't think Logan would be having anymore luck than me.

"Ready! Go!" Alec said clapping his hands notifying them to wrestle. This was one of the worst days of my life. Just because of my bad mood I caused Logan to have to wrestle James. James now had pinned Logan causing Logan to hit his head again. What was it about James and making Logan hit his head on the ground? This time was different. James pinned Logan and stood up at Logan winced but then stayed down.

"Logan?" I asked. I hurried and got up and ran over next to Logan. He wasn't moving. Kendall then came closer as well and I started to panic. "Oh my God! What?! Logan!" I shook him lightly but he didn't seem to wake up. Kendall put his head to Logan's chest as Carlos was on the phone.

"He's breath is shallow and uneven!" Kendall announced. James stopped doing as he was before and looked worried now.

"You bastard!" I yelled at James. I got up and hit him in the chest multiple times. He just let me and held my shoulders. I gave up as Carlos pulled me away.

"Ambulance is on it's way." Everyone in the gym had gathered around. The paramedics came in and loaded logan up on a stretcher, they said he was stable enough to travel to the hospital alone, but the guys fought for me to go with him.

"She's his girlfriend!" Kendall yelled at the three men.

"Let her go!" Carlos said.

"I'm so sorry Amy!" James kept saying. I didn't even look at him. I got into the back of the ambulance with Logan and held his hand the whole way. We got there and they rushed him into the ER as I was told to stay in the waiting room. It took about an hour and the guys all showed up. Kendall sat with me, trying to comfort me. Carlos had went out to the car to get my phone. I took it and thanked him as I looked for Tiffany's name. I found it and called. She soon came twenty minutes later and sat with me as well.

"Logan Henderson's family?" A lady doctor called. I stood up with the other four people around me.

"Two of you please." She said. I looked at the other three.

"Amy choose someone to go with you." Carlos said.

"Kendall, come on." I said as we walked behind the woman into Logan's room. He had dark circles under his eyes, he looked broken, and pale.

"Now you are?" The doctor asked.

"Amy Skylar, girlfriend, and I'm Kendall Schmidt bestfriend." Kendall informed her.

"Alright well, we did an X-ray, and we found he....."

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