Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: 

Logan left shortly after our last kiss that night. He had gotten up to leave as I walked him to the door, it felt nice to know that he felt the same. He also found out I had avoided any situation so he wouldn't be a part of my life, which he understood completely why. As I was about to close the door that night, he came back and hugged me. This hug wasn't needy, or passionate, it was content. He then kissed me on the cheek and left saying goodnight and that he was staying with Kendall tonight and he'd be over in the morning. I smiled to myself leaning on the door. Everything I went through was now worth it just to know he felt the same way. I then heard my phone going off in my purse on the kitchen counter. I walked swiftly over and opened up my purse. I then saw three text messages from James and five missed calls from Tiffany and six texts. I sighed and unlocked my phone. I listened to the two voicemails she left me as she was concerned that I was depressed again. I giggled and remembered why I was the complete opposite. I called her back real quick.

"Amy! What the, I mean seriously?! You didn't even answer my texts or calls! What is up with you?!" She asked like a mother. I giggled and she then asked if I was drunk.

"Tiff! I'm not drunk! I'm perfectly okay! Even better than okay! So guess who I ran into tonight?" I asked. She sat in silence for awhile without answering. She hesitantly answered knowing that previous to now I'd be crushed by the sound of his name.

"Logan?" She asked in a mumble. I shrieked and giggled.

"Yes! Tiff! It's Logan! I know he and I had been in that whole situation with my sadness, but he was all depressed and in a funk too! We're okay now. He was ecstatic to see me again!" I told her the rest of the story and she giggled along with me.

"Oh my gosh! Amy I'm so happy for you sweetheart! Oh my gosh that's amazing!" She said truly meaning it. Eventually we got off the phone around two in the morning and I hurried to get into my pajamas. I laid down and charged my phone and looked at Tiffany's previous texts, then moved on to the ones from James. 'Hey it was no problem! :)', 'hey, did you fall asleep on me? Goodnight Amy:)', and 'hey when you get this text me back I have a question for ya ;)'. I decided it wouldn't hurt to answer him. 'Hey James! No I didn't fall asleep. What's up?'. I waited a good ten minutes for him to answer and then I got a reply. 'Would you like to have breakfast in the morning? I'll pick you up? We could spend the day together? :)'. I stopped a moment and thought.

'James, I'd love to but Logan and I talked tonight, we are okay :) thanks for the offer but I have plans already with Logan in the morning. I'm sure we can hang maybe the next day or next week. :) thank you though.' After that I didn't get a text back from him. I turned off my phone and let it charge. I drifted happily to sleep and didn't dream at all but was happy not to have any nightmares either. I woke to knocking on my door. My hair was in a mess, and my clothes in a disarray. I hurried to straighten out my clothes, and glanced at the clock on the stove to see it was six in the morning. I've only gotten four hours of sleep, and this person woke me up? Really? I looked through the peep hole and saw a waiting cute guy. I rolled my eyes and smiled. I unlocked my door and smiled at Logan.

"Wow! You shouldn't have gotten all dolled up for little 'ole me! You look gorgeous!" Logan joked grabbing my waist and pulling me into a hug.

"Oh shush!" I said. He kissed my cheek and hugged me for a long while in my door way. I finally undid his arms from around me and grabbed his hand and pulling him into my apartment.

"Where's Kendall? Kinda rude of you to ditch your friend for a girl." I told him. He snorted and took of his leather jacket.

"Babe please, he left this morning to meet up with James. Supposedly James is having girl troubles and so Kendall and Carlos went to help him." Logan said sitting at my bar on a stool. I walked over and stood on the opposite side of the counter.

"Really? I thought he was a ladies man... Not a guy who has girl problems..." I admitted. Logan shrugged.

"Well, do you want to go out to eat?" He asked smiling his dimpled smile which I loved more than air. I nodded.

"Let me get dressed." I said, I ran towards my room when I hear Logan say something.

"I thought you already got all dressed up babe! You don't have to change again!" He joked and winked when I turned around.

I quickly showered and let my hair frizz into waves. I put mouse in and tried to contain the craziness. I pulled on flared jeans, a black long sleeved shirt with lace at the bottom and sleeve, and did a cat eye make up. I felt okay in this considering Logan kept saying I was already gorgeous. I threw on studded black flats and grabbed my black studded satchel. I threw my phone, lip gloss, and Wallet in it an left my room. I walked out to my living room with Logan tapping a rhythm on his leg. I giggled and watched as he saw me. His eyebrows raised and smiled at me. "Wow." He said.

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