Chapter 5

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'Man I Feel like money

They're attracted to me

They come around like honey

'Cause I'm Fly like a bee

Man, I got 'em all buzzin, Buzzin' Buzzin'Buzzin

Like da, da, da,da,da,da,da

Man. I got the world buzzin'. Buzzin' buzzin' buzzin

Like da, da, da,da,da,da,da

Selena's Pov:

"Who the fuck set my alarm." I groaned rolling over to turn my alarm clock off on my cell.

"Ugh it's only 10:30." I said under my breath falling back into the pillows. After a couple of mintues looking around me new room. I got up and walked towards the bathroom to get a shower. After my 20 minutesshower I got out dried off and did my hair then got changed into outfit grabbed my phone and bag and I made my way down stairs to the kitchen to see my dad sitting at the table reading the paper.

"Morning old man.''I said sitting on the counter he laughed.

''Morning princess, so today you're going out with your mam and Bella at 12 to get you what you want, so go get some breakfast" he told me with a smile and walked out of the room. I got myself a bowl and coco pops and I grabbed the milk from the fridge and as I close it I came face to face with a grinning Justin.

"Good Morning beautiful." he said with a flirty smile.

"Morning." I said walking away over to the table with my breakfast.

"So you doing anything today? Maybe I could take your pretty self out for lunch?" He asked with a wink I looked away from my breaky and to him.

"Urm well I'm just going to come straight out with it. What I said last night Biebs I meant it, I Don't like little players who think they can have any girl they want so just save your breath and stop trying to hit on me you won't get any where I don't like you. " I said and went back to having my breakfast. I see him slowly nodded from the corner of my eye and grabbed a bowl and the cereal box and made himself somebreakfast I looked up at him he avoided making eye contact and headed to the dining room I sigh maybe I was a bit harsh on him, I shook the thought aside and continued eating my breakfast.

About 11:45am my mam and Bella came down ready to go

"Come on dollface lets go get you your things." she said smiling I nodded and went to the bathroom done my teeth and followed them to Bella Silver mini cooper. We spent at least 2 hours at the mall and had got a lot. We had many bags that included lots of clothes, shoes, jewerly, Accessories, Handbags, there were that many bags that our arms were so sore we decide to put all the bags in the car and we headed off to buy my new purple apple mac and a new iphone and a fresh new IPod. At about 2:15 we went to sunflower cafe for lunch then we headed to get our nails done then we finally decided to go back home just after 4 in the evening. I got the bags with my laptop and phone and iPod and some of my clothes and headed for the door, but my hands were full so I couldn't open the door.

"DYLANNNNNNN!" I yelled trying to manage to whole the bags and boxes that where falling over.

"SELENA ARE YOU OK? " he quickly asked opening the door all panicky looking at me I laughed.

"Yeah I'm cool can you grab these bags and boxes and bring them up to my room please. " I asked with my cute little smile that he always gives into.

''Fine, Guys get out here! "He called.

''What?" They asked coming to the door.

"Help me bring these up to her room will ye?" he said while grabbing the bags and his friends following him. I walked into the living room. To be greeted by dad.

"Hey baby girl get everything you need?" He asked with a smile.

"Ye I Did dad thanks for this." I said hugging him he laughed and kissed my forehead.

"Anything for my princess." he smile and I sat down beside him.

"Jesus Selena did you buy the entire mall? " Ryan asked while walking into the room Laughing with the 3 guys behind.

"I wish, but no just a few bits. " I smiled at him flopping down on the sofa he looked at me and smiled I chuckled and looked at dad.

"Anyways Selena what were you saying to Justin this morning at breakfast you didn't look happy?" Dad asked looking from me too Justin who face just turned from happy to a frown when my dad mentioned this morning. I looked at Justin and he gave me a 'Don't.say.anything.please' look I kind of felt bad maybe I was a bit too harsh on him this morning. See Becky is huge Bieber fan so I have been told about his image before but from the looks he just gave me I don't know it just confused me, maybe I should just go easy on him and not judge him from what I have heard.

"It was nothing. " I said to him and looked down at my hands I hate lying it like eats me alive.

"Hmmm Nothing are you sure? Justin maybe you might tell me because I can tell this one over here is lying. " dad said glaring at me then turned to a uneasy looking Justin.

"It was nothing really Mr S, Just a miss understanding." Justin answer nervously dad looked between us both eyeing us.

"Ok then what ever you two say .Any way kids were off to dinner tonight with Patter Scooter Carin Kenny And Good, reservation are at 7 so you have a few hours, make sure you dress nicely ok. " Dad said before walking out of the room. We all nodded and exited the room after him as I was about to walk up the stairs I was stopped by someone pulling my arm. I turned around to see Justin looking at me with a unreadable expression on his face.

"Selena I just...Uh eh ...want to say...Uh... sorry for last night and this morning I know I came of as a stuck up jer-" he was cut off by Chaz and Ryan walking up to us smiling like two idiots.

"Yo JB C'mon let go. " Chaz said dragging him towards the door, he mouthed "Sorry" to me before the door closed. It was only 5:45 so I decide to go get a shower and start to get ready. I stuck my iPod into my docking station and brang it into the bathroom with me, a shower is no good without any music. After my shower I dried off painted my toe nails and curled my hair and but on a little bit of make-up since I don't really need much I have clear smooth skin , then I got dressed into my new outfit that I bought today.

"Selena!" My mam called threw my speaker in my room I walked over and pressed the button.

"Yes? " I answered back.

''We're leaving in 2 minutes so hurry up'' she said.

"Right I'm on the way down." I said and grabbed my purse and phone and closed the door after me. On the way down the hall I bumped into Bella who was wearing this.

"Damn girl you're looking hot. " I winked at her.

"Thanks you look Stunning." she said and we headed down the staircase  and mam dad's a Dylan jaw hitthe floor when they seen us.

"Oh my god you two...whoa I'm stuck from words. " mam said smiling at use in awe.

"My girls are so beautiful." dad said hugging us both we just laughed at him and complimented them as well.

"Great now I'm going to have to go into the brother protection mode when the guys see you two." Dylan said frowing, we just shook our heads and laugh at him.

"Right Selena and Bella are going in her car and me your mam and Dylan going in mine, so we will meet use at the restaurant in about 20 minutes." dad said to us while walking to the garage.When we got inthe car we put the radio on and we just started blasting the songs out, it's great being back hanging out with Bella we haven't spoken in a long time (Story for another time). As we pulled up to the restaurant we got out of the car and walked in, and everyone was waiting for us. They all stared at us and the boys expressions were hilarious. I got introduced to the Bieber crew, one thing I couldn't get out of my mind was just I couldn't believe I was thinking this but damnnnn that boy is looking fine. I turned my head to look at him which he was still gawping I chuckled which made him snap out of it, I noticed his cheeks were turning red it made me laugh more then he gave me his killer smile.

"You look beautiful." he whispered in my ear kissing my cheek, sending shivers down my spine.

"Thanks." I said don't blush don't blush, I could hear him chuckle I take it he noticed, damn it.

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